PS3 is upgrading to 80GB after just 5 months. Maybe 5 months from now we'll have the PS4.zaphod_bIF that happens (and it's still just an "if"), it won't affect the price of the PS3. Sony is taking a page out of the iPod's book and is maintaining its price point while improving the technology as costs allow. All it means is that sony is not pocketing the extra cake derived from cheaper technology. The 80GB will not be an alternative, like the 360 elite, instead it will be the standard. It just shows that Sony has committed to supporting this system for the long-haul and the Microsoft is resigned to continually charge its customers for more and more hardware just to keep up.
ghaleon0721's forum posts
True, but I still say a Vice/Liberty city hybrid like I described would still work. Damn that 360! This only happened because they came out first and created a 10 million gamer install base. If the 360 was launched simultaneously, we wouldn't have this problem Damn "lowest-common-denominator"You people are aiming way to high. Don't forget that the limitations of the 360 disc space will limit the games size.
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