So $20 more for a bunch of cosmetics? If anyone is interested in getting the the Division i suggest getting it now before Ubi does something this dumb to it as well.
@Henry518: Whats wrong with that? I see no reason the rest of the playerbase has to suffer because of this. We both know 100% cheater free is almost impossible but you can mitigate and region lock will do the job.
The best way to stop the cheating is to region lock the game but bluehole is too much of a coward to do so. Therefore they should leave the OPEN server and create some NA/EU/AS only servers and let the players decide where they want to play.
@TAracer: Their reasons? Because they could and money of course. Bullet points after 2015? Likely a loop hole in the rules or they did not cover those specific things. Doesn't change the fact that the rules protected consumers. If they were harming them iv yet to see the proof.
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