They need to go back to WWII for a game or two maybe even WWI im sick of modern/quasi future FPS. I haven't bought a COD at $60 since MW2 and the only reason I have the new AW is because I wanted the custom console.
The 90's and early 2000's seem like they were all a dream, hard to believe EA was once a respected dev with a great reputation. Desert Strike how I miss thee
It seems like most of the commentators here wouldn't have an issue with this if he was 25 instead of 37 but I am in the camp that your never too old to realize a dream. Now obviously common sense should rule the day if they were married and had a new born but he knew he didn't have much time left to do what he did so i don't have a problem with it. Makes me wonder what she was really pissed at, the fact that it is, while admittedly a bit childish, an arcade or that he spent $26,000 of HIS money and she considered that 'THEIR" money.
@deuely @staticsnake87 True DayZ is not just another zombie game as said zombies are no threat to any one but noobs. The point is to get a gun ASAP then find some PC's to kill for their stuff then once you are armed to the teeth continue killing other players as that's all that's left to do. Needless to say that got old real fast so im hopeful this game can add more to the genre but im not gonna hold my breath.
ghost140's comments