"But certainly all of the criticism that we've taken and the comments that have been made, we have been absorbing and taking on board for future products." *remembers Hattori clan and Sparta* Yea I bet you will...
Best thing I can think about this news is that eventually all these games will be in the vault so I wont have to pay more than $30/year, assuming it stays that way, to experience them. Most AAA devs/pubs have killed any interest I once had for day one gaming.
@anonymous81: Yep give us the straightforward plots of 4,5, and X and the gameplay of 5 but also as important is for them to go back to strangereal. Osea, Belka, Uktobania that world needs to comeback.
Another "HD remaster"? Just get VC on pc for like 5-10 when it goes on sale doubt the PS4 version will look any better than that plus im sure just any store bought PC from the past 5 years can run it reasonably well.
As for the new VC game? Shut up and take my money!
All I want the next Elder or Fallout game to have is proper CO-OP non of this MMO crap. The time is now to make it happen Bethesda I don't care if its a PC only mode or 720p on consoles.
ghost140's comments