"New" tech like this is best left to early adopters with money to burn. With several more different models coming out later that will offer the same thing as Rift and drive competition waiting is the best option for the avg consumer. Plus we gotta wait and see if VR will actually take off this time and not die again like it did in the 90's.
Why should anyone get a refund? You should all be glad to give Bungie money as they surely need it. I mean do you want to be dirty cheap skates like the people using the exploit? Just be happy in the knowledge that you are supporting the game you love and don't mind what others do.
@cmdr_danbo: Yep iv seen so many people tactically camp a dark corner and shoot people as they run by. From what iv observed works more often than not. To that end you are right its best you don't run and gun but turtle and wait, i mean it is call Rainbow Six SIEGE.
ghost140's comments