A logical step (Sony will suit) MS should have stuck to their guns and not scrapped certain online features back with the X1. After the "big" outcry a mere year later digital sales were the highest they have ever been.
@DVONvX: Wait are you sure they can be played at the same time? Im pretty sure MS would not want 2 consoles playing the same digital copy simultaneously.
@slypher9: Whaa? Are you under the assumption that I did not know why they were bundled together? Cuz I am. I just wanted them to release it separately so we would get a report that MWR was outselling IW.
Its one thing if the game wont run well on last gen cpus but to restrict them out right, even for a little while, its pure BS. PC gaming does not need this kind of exclusivity crap hopefully some other hotshot dev does not try this in the future.
ghost140's comments