I was wondering with the pass was gonna show its ugly face. I also wonder when passes are gonna go up another $10 to match base price. It has been steadily going up $20,$30,$40 and now $50. I guess it really doesn't matter since according to sales figures gamers love "AAA" season passes.
Live action anime adaptation...ya cuz those usually go well. As far as the casting goes I don't care that its a non-asain actor I care more about the fact that Scarlett does not give me a "Major" vibe in anyway. Is she a good actor? Sure. Do I think she can play the Major? Nope.
Man I hope they start banning people the salt will be glorious to behold. In the end though this is mostly on Ubi and their second rate devs. Honestly Ubi stop being so cheap and hire someone to break the game/content before its release its a novel concept called QA you should try it sometime.
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