yeah its a random event. i collected every single unique item possible in the game (including DLCs, with good karma playthrough), but the Firelance is the only thing im missing :/
see if you can access the files in your HD on a computer. then use Xport360 to move those files to your USB.
I had the same problem, but what happened to me was that I used a third party transfer kit, which corrupted my HD that even the microsoft brand cable wouldn't recognize my HD.
so i used the third party kit to connect my HD to my PC, then view the files using Xport360, and transfer the saves to a USB hard drive, which i then transferred to my 360 Slim.
I was just wondering how much i would get for my pro 360 if i trade it in with everything it came with, the only problem is i dont want to trade the Component HD cables because I hear the new slim model does not come with HD. Any ideas on what i might get?
dude call them up first. last month they had a trade-in offer for the slim. if you're trading in a console, theyll bump up the value. but it already expired. i don't know, but maybe the guys in your GS are generous and will still do the offer.
i only paid $60 for the slim by trading in Pro Console, 20GB HD, 1 Controller, 1 Wireless adapter and call of duty modern warfare 2
i bought RDR on launch day and its still in my backlog. ive traded in GTA 4 without even beating the storyline. i got bored of roaming around... the world is huge but there isnt much to do in it besides what? collecting items?
yeah i kinda regret buying onslaught. i played it once and never gone back to it ever since. i think dice should comlpetely ignore singleplayer for battlefield 3 and just focus on multiplayer. because thats what the battlefield series are known for. BC1 and BC2 singleplayer are so boring -_-
Who honestly has more than 16gb of game saves though?Senor_Kami
lol true. after i bought my 360 slim, i started installing my games into my hard drive. there is a huge difference in loading times and also my console is quieter because of it. gameplays feel smoother too
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