Despite the game's age, there are tons of WoW players that are new (or at least act like it). You won't be the only one stumbling around and if you have some gaming experience and an interest in reading or poking around you can be more knowledgable than most players in no time.
The races are all pretty balanced. You may have a tiny edge picking the "right" race for a given class in the first couple levels, but once you level a bit and get decent gear the racial differences mean almost nothing. Pick the one you like.
If you're doing your first character and gonna be solo'ing a lot while you figure the game out, Hunter is hands down the most effective class. Once your ready to seriously start playing with other people though, it's more fun and more effective to run a specialist class like a Warrior, Priest, Mage, or Rogue.
And the one tip that I wish someone had told me when I first started on Wow: If you're gonna pick up one UI Mod get Auctioneer. Its a mod that helps you monitor auction house prices so you can find deals and (more importantly) sell the loot you get for good prices. It's a big help for money management on that painful first character.
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