gink101's forum posts
How can you say that halo 3 isn't exclusive. Its like me saying that metal gear solid 4 isn't exclusive because one of them got ported to xbox. Or that cryisis isn't exclusive because farcry was on xbox. You just want to take it as fact that it will be ported when it isn't so. Since the first two halo's did so badly on pc what makes you think they would want to port over halo 3. If it does come out in 3 years for pc you can come back to this topic and i will accept my ownage, but ill be too busy playing halo's successor so have fun thinking halo 3 might not be an exclusive for 3 years.
Most people actually want to play good games the same year they come out. OH NO!PC is getting gears of war, even though thats the game that got me to buy a 360 do you think if i would have known it was coming out for pc in a year i would have just been like, "well i love to wait a year to playa sweet game so ill just wait till it comes out on pc". Its the same as not going to watch 300 in theatres when you can just wait 6 months to watch it on dvd. Sorry man some people actually like playing thier games now instead of waiting around thinking about how cool it will be when they get to play them.
the only games in that list that look as good or better than gears is alan wake, crysis, mass effect UT3 GT5 and possibly killzone. I think people forget how good gears of war actually looks so whenever they see a game that has great graphics they say it is better than gears. Lair's graphics are horrible compared to gears. you probably dont play gears on a nice high def tv and if you do go put it in again and look at how detailed everything is, from armor to the environments and textures. Don't just go blabbing that games are graphically better than gears when for a fact they aren't.
I think bioshcok will be a better game overall but id have to go with halo 3 because it will have soo much replay value. The question you need to ask yourself is which game could i play all holiday season without getting bored. Bioshock will be great but it will give you between 20-30 hours ofgameplay if you take your time and don't rush. Halo 3 will have me playing over 100 hours by the end of the year.
The PC version of games are always going to be superior. Think about it you can upgrade the pc as much as you want to play a game on max settings. But that depends on your pc. Its not like they are gonna make new consoles every 2 years that cost 1000 to keep up with the pc. Im happy with my 360 and prefer playing multiplat games on it.
I've been coming to gamespot for a long time to read reviews and when the the wii and ps3 were coming out i was watching alot of the stuff. i was actually excited for the wii and ps3 and was thinking of getting one of the next gen systems. i saw gears, and it convinced me to buy a 360.
i was actually unbiased but then i found system wars and all the people trashing the 360 made me pissed because i had one and i just started enjoying seeing all the fighting going on around here. And now 10 months later i find myself thinking about how awesome it would be if the next big ps3 game flopped. It kinda sucks too cuz i already know about all the good games coming out in the future. It was actually kinda cool just seeing an advertisement for a game like gears and finding out it was awesome by suprise.
The main reason i think i truely favor the 360 is because i still believe it is the underdog for this generation. It may have the best games now andit definately directly competes graphically and for the most part technically with the ps3 i still think that most people are truely loyal to the playstation brand. I know lemmings won't admit this but i still think it will be hard for the 360 to win this gen.
One thing i am pretty pissed about is all the microtransactions on microsofts part, do i really need to pay 2 bucks for a theme for my dashboard, that i can't even preview to see if im gonna use? But overall i love my 360 and am considered a nerd by my friends for knowing the market tendencies of the gaming industry and all the latest anouncements that casual gamers wont care about for almost a year.
Ive been lerking around system wars for almost a year now without posting. The funny thing is i never was a fanboy until i cam around here. i only found the forums on gamespot after coming here to read the gears of war review (which convinced me to get a 360).
After coming to this forum alot it has transformed me into a huge 360 fanboy. I try and convince my friends thinking of getting a ps3 to change thier mind to 360. Does anyone else feel like they've been turned into a fanboy by just coming to system wars?
I just opened my account today so i will be posting regularly, just wanted make my first post.
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