"That's why we're a little bit more expensive"yeah, like a $500 ~ $1000 more expensive against my own PC build
$600 is acceptable for me if it really deliver 4K gamingheck even $1000 steam machine (which i don't know the future for those machines) can't deliver 4k gaming
I want to play the new Mafia, really like the first one (2nd Mafia was so-so) Does the story do any good on the 3rd one? i feel like it's not a mafia game, it's more like GTA or Watchdogs from youtube impressions i don't care that much about the graphics or frame caps (yes there's a patch, i know), should i buy this one?
Should've go with Guilty Gear 3D art style, better animation with better face expression but since it is KOF series, a definite buy
And if the show goes on for another 2 minutes, it will be like : "Hi, My name is Olaf" (with a frozen theme song Do You Want to Build a Snowman) and Jon dancing around the Castle Black
ginxeno's comments