@mogan: Both are correct. If you're looking to pay for skins, you have to pay for the tiers leading up to the skin within the battle pass. It seems like you have to pay for a battle pass and then work for the rewards in a game with no campaign, PvE; just straight online play. It seems like more of a gambling model than loot boxes ever did, because when time expires in the battle pass season, that you paid for, so do the rewards. Doesn't that sound lovely? (Sarcasm)
@mogan: My understanding is that you have to buy the Battle Pass, and then grind it out. What's the point of buying the Battle Pass if you have to work twice for it?
@ruzuyu: Here are the issues of why that happens: 1.) NOBODY groups up; it instantly becomes a game of Fortnite. 2.) Your teams' shooting percentage in horrible; in other words, they're not good at the game, at all.
@comments123: I agree that the person who wrote this article knows next to nothing about Overwatch. But as the top healer, I would have to disagree with you. Moira, when played right, dominates the healing space. It's not even fair for Mercy to even be on the board when a competent Moira is part of the player compisition.
This list is wrong. The best support heror, without question, is still Moira. I think the writer of this article may be a little trigger happy, but there is more depth to Moira than most players realize. Again, I average 5k dmg, with 10k+ heals, playing Moira. It's an aqcuired taste, and as MANY of you already know, Moira is not for everyone.
@faithxvoid: The p#'s thing shouldn't be a big deal. Google Voice anyone? P#'s are free online. Again, there's the work around on the p#'s requirement. If anything, it may cause more problems than it intends to solve.
GIO-007-XBL's comments