Next companies are going to sell you the ending credits. Why play the game to finish it when you can buy it?!!
smh at devs. Yes I know I don't have to buy it, but the concept of buying items that ignores the lvl I'm at is not right. I can imagine Watch Dogs... Micro transactions for every single cosmetic item and gun... + the $60 for the privilege to be able to buy those items!
This has to be a joke tbh. A "Premium Edition" with NO DLC??? LOOOOL. No new status regarding the PS3 DLC, but hey, let's start pushing a new version of the same broken game guys!
You'll see a Premium Ultimate Game of the Year Edition before this joke is done with.
@leviathanwing Well said sir. I actually admire good PC games. @Ocellicyst Well was that elitist statement above needed? I came here to read about the game, and see what PC players have to say about it...only to come across a PC fanboy...I thought you guys were so elite that you were above that?
I guess you're just as petty as the console gamers you look down on.
I won't get it when if it come to the PS3. Better games coming out, and Skyrim has seen its days. The game had potential, but the the PS3 devs did a piss poor job on the game.
I have an xbox, but I refuse to buy another copy just to play it. I want to be able to play a game on any console I wish, and not have to chose a console because a developer shat all over one.
You can keep your DLC Bethesda, as I'm sure the majority of people here don't want it anymore. I heard Dawnguard was meh, and Hearthfire should be free imo.
Wow these season passes are ridiculous. You don't even know what you're getting for your money! You're asking to pay $50 but they won't list exactly what you get....GG.
This is like a DLC kickstarter program....but the funny thing is, they might just take stuff out of the game and call it DLC 2 months down the road.
@Hrodwulf666 @HaRdNiPs This is not a real "beta"...this is a demo. They know they have PS3 peeps lock down because there's more PS3 users playing BF3, AND MoH still. They're trying to sell to some of the CoD kiddies.
Waste of time imo, as CoD is king of arcade shooters. People will download the "beta", play it for a while, then realize it's not as "good" (lol) as CoD...and just won't buy it.
Having an exclusive on a demo is the dumbest shit I've seen in a while...GG EA/MS/DC
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