@DashRender619 BF3 is the only game that freezes so often. I've been playing Skyrim, and it only freezed once on me...BF3? Everyday at least once. Something is wrong with the game, and DICE refuse to fix it. Input lag, sound glitches in and out, freezing issues...ALL there since launch, and nothing has changed.
LOL@ people saying they want bigger maps...really? 12v12 console players want bigger maps? You don't think Caspian Border, and Op Firestorm is a ghost town already? but you want bigger? Maps like Seine is what I want to see more of.
Porting maps from PC MAKE NO SENSE.Consoles need their own maps.
Btw, this premium rip, is a joke. Paying more money on a broken, poorly supported game? Not me. Just last night a friend of mine, premium member, froze 4 times in an hour. GG DICE. And how about this new Aim Assist? LOL. That's not aim assist, that's auto aim, borderline aimbot.
I'll pay more money if it meant better support...but that's not the case. I get cammos and early DLC for my money. Not me. All I'm getting is CQC, for the guns, and Aftermath, then I'm done with BF3 when DUST comes out.
"Between the reviewers' constant lionizing of Telltale Games, complete sentences, proper punctuation, and paucity of spelling errors, we began to suspect that the user reviews were not the product of actual players..." Wow...so gamers can't spell, can't complete sentences and have just plain bad grammar now. That's more news to me than this article.
This feature is just pouring gas over the fanboy flames. Getting tired of this MW3 vs BF3 crap. MW3 sells the most because it caters for the casual gamers. Wii is the number console for the same reason. If you like CoD, then MW3 is right up our alley. I'm loving BF3 atm. 100+ hrs and counting.
What's the purpose of this article? Why not advice people to use PSN card next time? Companies loose millions of dollars every year combating hackers, but it never reaches the press. Why? This article right here is the reason. BAD PRESS. Sony needed to address the situation as they saw fit. Deal with it. Sony is offering FREE identity theft. Japan authorities have the final say on when the PSN store is back up, as they want GUARANTEES that it's safe. Sony, is offering free games, AND a FREE service. Not happy? Then move on.
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