bump...plz help
gluzyg's forum posts
I am not going to miss anything because I just took two sick days off, and now I have to make it up by a lot. I'm not going to do all that just for some video game.
By the way, in Japan, it's illegal for Dragonquest games to come out on weekdays because they think that the economy will really take a hit...so I'm thinking that America has to do that about Halo...I hate the idea of having people miss buying the game and at the same time I hate the idea that people stay home and play it...it would be ten times easier on a weekend to release it.
Any got an extra COD4 key they could send me with a private message or just post?
Hello. I am planning on doing the subject of Hydroponic growth for my sophomore Science Fair. I am deciding between
....Im pretty sure I'm going to use the first one but I am open to suggestions. Now, my real question is which plant(s) cangrow the fastest in hydroponic enviorments or some interesting plants (edible or cool lookingthings, fe: tomatoes) that can grow realativily fast (a month or two at most). If normal seeds can also grown in hydroponic enviorments, please tell me how fast or if possible. Also, being new to hydroponics, can someone reccomend growing instructions or other important information? Thank you very much for any assistance.
[QUOTE="gluzyg"][QUOTE="vitz3"]You didn't cut off the tabs and tried to jam it into an AGP slot like I've seem before right?
BTW: where is that pic?
No, put it in the Right slot, and the pick is from ghostrecon.com I think.
LOL. My bad I didn't get specific. There was a picture of some dude cutting off the extra pins of a PCIE card to fit it into an AGP or PCI slot. It was ROFL quality.
Does anyone know where that is as an aside?
Try resetting your CMOS. Take the little watch battery out and see if that helps.
Do you have the power cables correctly put in? Try reseating your RAM. Are they dual channel?
Troubleshooting. Gotta ask some questions.
I think the largest thing to do is to reset my CMOS. I'll try to do that so maybe my BIOS would accept the card.
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