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goldenheart234 Blog

2 weeks later ... and still no PC!

This is becoming a serious problem... my new PC was supposed to have been delivered last week, but it never came! I hate using my work computer to go online ( and my boss proly wouldn't approve either, if he knew :P ) . I hope It'll get here soon because at this rate, I'll have gone for 3 WHOLE WEEKS without a proper computer to call my own.

Well... better get back to work. Hope to be back for good real soon, and with my own PC!

System crash

My PC died earlier this week... so I wasn't able to go online for a while.

I'm very sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused others, especially those in the Ace Attorney union, where I was supposed to have started the next character battle.

Right now I'm at a friend's house, using his computer to write this message. The good news is, I should be getting a new computer sometime next week, so it shouldn't be to long a wait. Till, then, I don't think I'll be able to come online to often.

I'll at least start the CB thread for the week, if someone else hasn't already done so, and I'll se everyone next week! (Maybe earlier, if I can use another computer like my friend's for free internet access)


I came back from my week-end skiing trip in one piece, despite the slopes being covered in ice. This fact alone makes me want to say that the week-end was great, but I also got two new games before I left on friday: Trauma center and , you guessed it, Apollo Justice. That means the week-end was beyond great. It was awesome.

I finished Trauma, And I'm now at the last case of AJ, and the game so far has been a blast.

Change of plan

I got my payslip, and I had completly forgotten that I had done a little overtime last week. That means I'll be getting Apollo Justice quite soon. Actually, I'll drop by EB games near my house before I go to work in the afternoon tommorow and pick up my copy. I may even trade in a game or two that I no longer play with to save some money, but I hate letting go of my games, so that's still uncertain.

Now I won't be able to sleep tonight... :|

AJ is out!

Apollo Justice comes out today! Unfortunatly, I'm kinda broke. My paycheck for this week is disapearing almost as soon as it comes in, since I'm going on a week-end long sking trip ( Prolly the last one of the year) plus I have to pay my cell phone bill ASAP, so I'll have to wait untill at least a week before buying the game.

Unless a miracle happens.

Like I win at the lottery ( Not freakin likely)

Like my parents give me some money ( Even less likely, except if they manage to get those last-minute plane tickets for a trip down south for saturday, in which case me and my sister both get some "emergency/compensation-for-leaving-us-behind funds" for the week they leave us behind, usually around a 100$ for the week)

Till then, I hope those of you who manage to get a hold of the game have lots of fun with it. And know that I will be off of Gamespot, with the sole exception of maybe checking up on my blog evey now and then, for the next few days to avoid any unintentional spoilers. See you next week!

A new review and a new game

I just finished finished writing my Advance Wars Days of Ruin review, so check it out if you've got the time.

Also, I bought Bleach Blade of Fate a few days ago and I love it a lot. Seriously. I haven't had this much fun with a 2-d fighter since Street Fighter II. At this rate, I'm going to ruin my D-Pad...

AW DoR and Apollo Justice

I've been so busy recently, I havn't been online too much. Combine to that the fact that most, if not all of my recent free time has been eaten up by the new Advance Wars game. It's a great game, but I liked Dual Strike better since it had more single player depth. Online play is nice and all, but I don't have wireless internet access at home. Anyone know what kind of place would have that?I'll post my friend code once I get to play online ONCE. I don't feel like getting the Wi-Fi adaptor from nintendo, though, so I'll be hunting for some hotspots when I get the chance.

Also, Apollo Justice Is coming out later this month. It's on top of my things-to-buy list, so you'll hear more about that as the month goes by.

Took a week off

Been a while since I've been on GS, or done anything else. I spent the week with a few of my friends in a nice little cabin in the Laurentiens. We skied, played video games (Soul Caliber 2, where I own everyone with Kilik and Talim, and Halo 3, where I somehow managed to blow myself up more often then I can keep track of)

I think Advance Wars Days of ruins should be out by now, so I'll be keeping an eye out for it and Apollo Justice during the following weeks.

I feel so... naked...

I've been going through a lot of people's profiles lately and when I see the rich variety of banners and sigs an avatars that people have, I'm amazed. Then I get back to my page and realize just how blank and lifeless mine is.

Does anyone have any suggestions to liven this page up? Keep three things in mind though: I have a crappy PC, my artistic senses are non-existent, and I have no idea how to host an image ( basically, I'm useless with anything PC related).

Walking sure feels great.

I finally got my cast removed for good yesterday, and boy does it ever feel good to walk without that monstrosity stuck to my foot. My ankle's still a little sensitive, but it's more or less completly healed. Will I be skiing again? Yes, although maybe not if this weird weather keeps up. Just last week, we got something like 30 cm of snow and it was pretty cold, and yet today, January 7th, we're expecting a VERY mild high of 8 degrees ( celsius, not farenheit). Usually, around this time of year, we have some of the coldest days of the year at -30/-35. Global warming... who knew?

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