Apollo Justice comes out today! Unfortunatly, I'm kinda broke. My paycheck for this week is disapearing almost as soon as it comes in, since I'm going on a week-end long sking trip ( Prolly the last one of the year) plus I have to pay my cell phone bill ASAP, so I'll have to wait untill at least a week before buying the game.
Unless a miracle happens.
Like I win at the lottery ( Not freakin likely)
Like my parents give me some money ( Even less likely, except if they manage to get those last-minute plane tickets for a trip down south for saturday, in which case me and my sister both get some "emergency/compensation-for-leaving-us-behind funds" for the week they leave us behind, usually around a 100$ for the week)
Till then, I hope those of you who manage to get a hold of the game have lots of fun with it. And know that I will be off of Gamespot, with the sole exception of maybe checking up on my blog evey now and then, for the next few days to avoid any unintentional spoilers. See you next week!
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