I pre-ordered Dance Central. I am looking at getting Your Shape or Biggest Loser, but I want to get more information about the excercises before I pull the trigger on that.
It is probably your internet speed. Video takes a lot of bandwidth, so the more available, the better picture quality possible. NetFlix will adjust the picture quality while streaming so if the speed improves or degrades, the picture quality is adjusted. It is a nice feature that not a lot of other streaming sites take advantage of.
If I get a 25gb data plan with 3 mb per second download and 1 mb upload, how long would it last??? I play about 2 hours per day with most of that on live... Is 25 gb enough?2nddimension
That is very hard to say, because if you do any web surfing or downloading things from the internet you will hit your cap quickly. I average 50 gigs a month for internet.
Its kinda crazy to me that the critics just hated this game (2/10 on IGN i believe) but so many gamers have taken to it with so much passion. Its odd.Mrbojangles34
Maybe it was a guilty pleasure that they didn't want to get called out on. They got to keep their cred.
There is already DRM implemented on XBox 360, but hackers have already cracked it. I suspect the future of games is download only, like OnLive. It cracks down on piracy and video game resale. I suspect currently game producers loose more money to game resale then piracy on the 360.
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