Smash Bros. will determine that. Melee is fun 6 years after it's release, Brawl could repeat the trend.
[QUOTE="darkspineslayer"]brawl will last at least 4 years, if not more, 5 bucks that brawl is the wiis version of halo 3, online is still strong for halo 1 on pc.Staryoshi87
I don't agree with that, considering Halo 3 blows chunks (Proud 360 owner, shamed H3 owner). Don't put them in the same sentence kthxbye =P
I definitely want a 360, but not for Halo 3. Mass Effect and bioshock look amazing : ) I'm one of those people who think the wii will be a lot more fun four years from now. By then it should have more games out.
It seems weird to me that people keep complaining about games not making it to the wii. I knew going in that a lot of games wouldn't make it, and expected to look through a completely different library than the other systems. The differences between the wii and other systems make a lack of multiplatform games a certainty.
You idiot! Why don't you have Zelda?! Do you not know GOOD GAMES?! like that?Duckman5
He does have Zelda. It's just for gamecube instead of the wii. Try something more like this, "Metroid Prime is bestest game evahs. BUY IT NOW! IT IS TEH GREATNESS! u so noob!"
If you couldn't tell by my description, I'll put it plainly. I love the single player. Now if only they added the controls to the first two games, I'd be in heaven...
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