Wind Waker. All that sailing around annoyed the crap out of me. And finding the Triforce was pretty grueling to. It was hard on my patience. Majora's Mask is my favorite game, and I do love taking down Gyorg. Only losers don't take him down in the water (shoot from platform :P)
My b-day's August 29th, so I'm going to wait. My parents are making a four hour journey to see me at Virginia Tech, so I might as well make it an Xtra spec trip.
x_water, a Zelda MMOAAG (Massively Multiplayer online action adventure game) would probably not be made by the zelda team, and therefore have no affect at all on true zelda titles.
When the moon gets really angry and starts coming towards the earth at the bidding of a Skull Kid in a cool tribal mask, the game will be released to VC.
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