It's probably one of the very first Zombie games I ever played, way back in 1990 something, but I'll come back to this.
Released in 1994 under the name of Zombies ate my Neighbours in Japan and the USA and simply Zombies in other territories, release under the Konami name and created by Lucas Arts, it was released on both the SNES and Sega Genesis/Mega Drive.
Zombies is a run and gun adventure in which you take control of either Zeke or Jill, ironically I could never do the game with Zeke he always seemed to slow and clumsy in comparison to the more nimble Jill, I suspect this theory is only in my head but it was there to me.
Zombies is one of those games if you played it you loved it and if you didnt you couldnt understand why those that did do. An odd analogy I know but it seems to be truth. It is often now referred to as a cult classic and for Nintendos Virtual Console was one of the most widely requested games. Really wish they would add it to the Sega Classics Collection because then I could play it on my PS3, but alas they didnt and Im getting off topic.
You find yourself in a world as usual overrun by all kinds of unsavoury beasts and ghouls from Zombies to 16ft killer babies, werewolves and Alien dropping UFOs and its just you and a whole arsenal of weapons one would never imagine have ANY effect on the foes of the undead. But when it comes to the end of the world what can we really expect? And to add to that its left to you to save those who have survived from cheerleaders to the man next door and his BBQ, or his little tiny crawling baby. It soon adds a layer of strategy when trying to save all of those, there are 10 in each level and some can be tricky to get to, though I have never managed to keep all 10 alive in every level I do usually end with at least 5 alive per level.
When you start you have nothing more than a water pistol? Seriously where did they come up with this? A water gun against zombies? However as you progress you gain access to fire extinguishers, exploding soda can grenades and even a football and bubble gum gun. All aiding you in your pursuit of the truth, or at least an end to the torture.
The good thing about this game is unlike newer generation games if you dont have a key to unlock a particular door, but do happen to posses the wicked bazooka you can merely blast open the door to retrieve the goodies inside, a strategy I employed many times. Sometimes it is just safer than retrieving the key.
For those who find it hard to understand liken it to the newer generation Dead Rising another game subsequently I adore, the only difference is Dead Rising is a little less tongue in cheek than Zombies. But the 16 bit colourful graphics leave you dreading each new area, especially areas like the hedge maze which leaves you having to run away from huge lumbering lumberjacks who only want to slice you into itty bitty pieces.
Or the night level which leaves you wanting to run from the quick moving werewolves, which if you dont have any knives and forks (also known as silverware) they can make very light work of you.
So when we boil it down to basics, as a younger boy I had to sit patiently through 48 levels of sheer torture each more brutal and terrifying than the last, each set to torment me, each leaving me wondering when the hell I could stand up and breathe a sigh of relief because I had finally beaten the game, it took me a while, but in the end I won.
But once you finally beat the mastermind Dr. Tongue and the credits roll you are treated to a bonus level which each of the strange characters is one of the developers and give you random information about the game. Its a great game and great fun all-round.
I have also learnt that the game is to be turned into a movie ... see cult classic, lets hope they do a decent job with it.
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