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gothic_kane Blog

Dead Space 2

So I just finished Dead Space 2 and I gotta think has anyone actually found themselves killed by the final boss? I tore the boss apart with very little effort, and to be fair I did the same with Dead Space, so has the final boss of Dead Space 1 or 2 gotten the better of you?

Got to say though Dead Space 2, in my opinion at least, isn't as good as the first but has a by faster pace of game and story, and the necromorphs not been stopped by a mere door is rather aggravating toward the end, not often my run like hell tactics fail, but still I enjoyed this game even if it did only took me about 12 hours to finish.

So as a conclusion I will definately be investing in this game and its add ons, as atm it's on rental from LoveFilm, great game though the final boss needs work?

Another Game Falls 2011

04-08-2011 dead Nation also now added to the completed games list making number 9 this year!! 10 If you include another run of Dead Space for the XBOX. Been working on Dead Nation since I got the Welcome Back Pack steady progress but a completion nonetheless.

03-08-2011 Ratchet & Clank : Quest For Booty added to the list of games doen this year, lol I'd only been playing ten minutes when I realised I may as well have done the last level in July!!

21-07-2011 Batman Arkham Asylum is also now added to my list of completed games in 2011.

15-07-2011 Bioshock 2 is now complete, this one took a while as it was a difficult game to get to grips with but I've done it none the less.

14-07-2011 Singularity is the game to fall today!! In round about 7 hours!!

04-06-11 Dead Space 2 is now added to list as the fourth game to fall and by the fastest margin of a mere 12 hours, I enjoyed this one, I do love my survival horror though.

26-06-11 marks the third game to fall in 2011. InFamous is now complete following the good path. This one is now an actually viable platinum :-)

Ok so 18-06-11 marks the second game to fall in 2011. Finally hit the end credits of DEAD RISING for the XBOX Well impressed by this game

First one was Mirrors Edge In February!!

Welcome Back Package Thoughts!!

Well the Sony Welcome Back package should see me busy for the next few weeks, with the Playstation Plus!! I got Duels of the Planeswalker, I know it's only for 30 days but at least i get to try the full version before I decide on a full on investment, I never was that good at magic to begin with lol, I like the cards they're beautifully put together but the game confuses the living hell outta me. But it's a group of trophys to be proud of so :D

Then we have Dead nation, which is mindless chaos and fun to boot, I love this game, though it gets a little confusing and the aiming system leaves ALOT to be desired, I hate not been able to target properly, and the top down view don't help much either, but hoardes of zombies to mindlessly murder, my kinda game, kinda like the 3rd Zombies game that comes with CoD, sort of top down 3rd person.

Ratchet & Clank, another epic game, and one of my favourite ... distraction games, it takes my mind off when I'm stressing on jammed game levels, Insomniac did well with these games, though admittedly I do miss Spyro & Crash Bandicoot.

My partner got Infamous which I must admit has drawn me in the furthest thus far, I can see the end and I will complete this one releatively quickly, believe it or not after last years gaming massacre of 13 games I've only finished 1 this year :-O

And then she got Wipeout HD which is simply stunning and a good distraction game, nothing like racing at break neck speeds to cool ones nerves.

So thanks sony, you said EVERY member of PSN before April 2011 would be entitled and we have two PS3's (yes bending the rules slightly I fear but?) so we now have these games to enjoy to our hearts content. Once Escalation arrives I shall be set for quite sometime. Of course I have to work Duels of the Planes walker for a start because it comes with only 30 days usage :)

PSN Nightmare ... Take 2

Ok so we all know three weeks ago PSN was hacked by some group many believe it is/was Anonymous? me I'm on the fence I neither care nor want to know, my concern is they disrupted my rather enjoyable gaming time, I've been three weeks without Black ops and Resi 5, though I was tiring of resi having achieved the Platinum trophy.

Anyhow it took them 3 weeks to rebuild the infrastructure from scratch, a whole new PSN from the ground up, as well as a brand new firmware update (V6.31) which comes complete with a MANDATORY password reset, can anyone but me not see the fault there? The hackers took 77 MILLION use3r account details, such as e-mail address & D.O.B's what is the info needed to reset your password on PSN? Bet ya can guess.

So in "FIXING" PSN they actually managed to leave a simple breach even a 5 year old could have figured out right? So once again I am unable to access PSN, I'm guessing they're down til they figure this one out. Come on Sony figure it out PLEASE!!!

New Tasks

Ok so it's been a while since I had a good old trophy hunt just bagged Tomb Raider Underworld of my best mate and this is next on my list of games. Just so I have a few more trophies to add to my long list lol. Been a weird few months game wise, only been collecting ones on games I had before hand.

Im 50% of Level as it stands at this moment a 21.1 point per trophy average apparently lol. So as I now have a total of 2 Platinums I am very proud of this fact. Also Sega Mega Drive Ultimate Collection is done at 100% completion which was a fun few weeks.

Also 26-2-2011 Marks the first game to fall of 2011 - Mirrors Edge

Super Rant!!

Ok it's one of those days and this emotion has to go somewhere so you guys it! So here it is, been the opticians and it seems my eyes are getting worse not good for agamer I struggle to see as it is!! My dog decided he was gunna crap all over my house so not impressed as he has an upset stomach right now so yeah not fr***in impressed!!

I'mstressed out and angry and argh!!! Just had dinner and my fish and chips were all liquid ICK!! Gah I hate things when they dont go my way spoilt brat ain't I? ontop of that HMV decide not to stock FF-XIII on their online site which is just ARGH!!!

Why why must things torture me? My best mate thinks Demon Souls is the greatest game ever and personally I think it's a waste of disc... Dont ask why just dont think its all its cracked up to be!!

And then onto SONY my beloved PS3 I see many annoying flaws cropping up the first been the browsers inability to so as much as we'd like you see as soon as the Java Script is taxed in anyway it crashes and takes my PS3 down with it. Thats annoying!! Unable to use the browser while still in creates alot oif time wasting dropping out of game or turning to use my laptop I'd like to be able to drop the browser to the background and access it from the XMB when needed!!

WWE Rant!!

Ok so here it is my regular rant on the state of WWE. (Usually posted on WWE Universe, just thought I'd share with you guys) Firstly lemme say what a dumb idea it was for me a guy who wakes at 7am every morning to help the school run! I'm getting old so staying up til 4am was a VERY BAAAAAAAAAAAAAD!!!! Idea.

Thats not to say that WWE Hell in a Cell wasn't too bad there was even a lil blood impressive they remember that one structure can and will hurt you!! I get the whole protecting the talent and the PG-13 before ANYONE starts on me on that point!

Next is COLE!!! HOLY **** WTF is with that dude he is all for Miza guy who does nothing but run his mouth about how good he thinks he is, If i had a pound for everytime I heard that stuff for a young upstart considering how long I been watching WWE programming I'd be rich, stop hiding behind your "bodyguard" and actually do some work in the ring!! Cole has suddebnly jumped on the Heel band wagon and yet he continues to dis Nexus? If your going to be a heel bradcaster do it properly dude!! Healso thinks Lay-cool are cool, amazing what dating the most respected WWE Legend will do for ones career (another BADLY kept secret in WWE)

John joining Nexus .... hmmm saw that coming lmao as well as the NXT Season 2 rookies joining Nexus, so predictable if they're going to do that after every season Nexus will need a show all of their own!! They scrapped ECW cos of it's lack of talent and TV viability, so I guess Nexus are headed the same way, although I suspect the ROyal RUmble will be their down fall, and people you are forgetting that should John join Nexus properly thus confirming his new heel turn, this will then force them to return a big Babyfaceand we can only hope that's HHH! Randy can do the job but I kinda enjoy watching him beat the snot outta the human jar'o'mayonaise!!

The problem with the WWE Universe is they think too short-term look bigger picture guys, the WWE is being pushed and this is their response how do you draw in more viewers you turn the cntre of the WWE Universe, they are smart people and it's all ratings, I personally think John been part of Nexus can and will prove VERY interesting!

Pretty sure i'm done hahahaha!!

If you don't like what I've had to say welll... "I don't give a damn hahahaha"

I Did It!!

It took 13 Hours to figure out and 9 pieces of software but I've finally done it, mydamn external HD is formatted and is now readable by my PS3 which in turn means I can back up my PS3 data as well as transfer stuff stuff to it, hahaha and I was ready to give up on it!

So yes I inally managed to install new themes I had on my laptop as well as transfer a few new photos to it as well, can we say well happy :-D

HD NEEDS TO BE FORMATTED TO FAT32!! Which rather annoyingly Vsta refuses to do it will only format to NTFS and exFAT (What the hell is exFAT?)

i used the software EASEUS Partition Master 6.1.1 Home Edition to do it. Turns out it's just a ripped off free version of Partition Magic real godsend. These guys aremy saviours, or at least my HD saviours was gunna throw it at a wall lol.

Games Completed This Year!!

9th January 2010 - Devil May Cry - Lucia
10th January 2010 - Cold Winter
20th January 2010 - Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2
12th April 2010 - 24: The Game
28th May 2010 - Uncharted
30th May 2010 - Dantes Inferno
2nd June 2010 - Ratchet & Clank: Tools of Destruction
23rd June 2010 - Resident Evil 5
29th June 2010 - Metal Gear Solid 4
20th July 2010 - Bayonetta
9th August 2010 - Dead Space
10th August 2010 - GTA: The Lost & Damnded
19th August 2010 - GTA: The Ballad of Gay Tony
12th August 2010 - Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen: Autobots
19th August 2010 - Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen: Decepticons
23rd September 2010 - Uncharted 2

PS3 Got Drowned

Gah sorry not been around had a small accident and my PS3 got drowned not sure how but it died lol anyhow Sony have kindly replaced iot for me and I'm now waiting for my ISP to provide a new modem so I can re-connect to the outside world. Should be baCK on or around the 18th of this month catch ya laters
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