OK so we left off with me heading into the Undead Parish another stunning level full of all kinds ofnasties,firstlybeen a rather huge freaking Boar which repeatedly had me dead, so I took things slower knocking off the bad guys one at a time then runninglikehell past the Boar.
Been able to slip past I found a stunning looking Cathedral and swiftly a Black Knight who almost had mebutwith patience I was able to put him down. Patience is key in these games REMEMBER THIS. Not my usual smash and run style in this project. Stillpatienceis key I learned early on.
So I slipped off to the right to find a Bonfire & A Black Smith, very usefully I reinforce my weapons a little more attack power is always handy. Its a path well travelled as I head down a flight of stairs and am greeted by a huge Titanite Demon, yea don't have the ability to deal with this guy just yet, I'll come back for him. (After I take a trip to retrieve the Short Bow from the merchant).
So now I get back to the Cathedral after a quick trip to see some guy tentatively referred to as the 'Onion Man' Don't ask I didnt lol. Anyways into the Cathedral I go and am attack by another Black Knight, draw hinm into the outside so I have more room and deal with him before heading in to claim the treasure he was protecting.
Fire Keepers Soul
(Quick Side Note : Devils Inc 2012 Blog has pics too)
So with a Firekeepers Soul in hand I make my back to the Firelink Shirne the woman in the cave/cage there will make the Ester Flasks much more helpful.
Strange Woman
Now I head back to the Undead Parish and again force my way through, at least I had theshort cutelevator to help the trip though.
Now I head upstairs and am greeted by a mob of zombie things and a chaneller great thanks for that. After more patience they fall and I swiftly clean up the area before running headlong into a skeleton cape guy thankfully fireball puts him away and I head upstairs to free Knight Lautrec.
Free Lautrec - though latr on you will wish you hadn't lol
Now I head back down cross thehallwayand up a couple of ladders to discover a new sign, a summoning sign no less. See I told you Solaire would be helpful. I step through the fog and begin the boss battle. Damn BellGargoyles, I spend the first few attempts getting one of the tails for the Gargoyle Axe weapon. That done I promptly begin to hammer them and …. DIE
Oh well a quick reverse hollowing and I head back up. (Only human form can summon NPC help)
After 2 or 3 more attempts I'm able to put him down, I also learn when you egt 1 to 50% his friend shows up. Solaire is help the thunder spell he has is so useful in keep the first Gargoyles attention.
So once these guys fall its back down the laddr to meet a monk or priest of some kind.
I don't remember what I bought but with 20,000 souls in hand I headed back to Andrei (The blacksmith from earlier) and bought the crest ofAstoria(we'll go back to this later) I also stock up on arrows, now I head back to Firelink via the nice new elevator short cut in the Cathedral. And after a restock of Ester flasks. SO now we're off to Undead Burg again with Basement key in hand we can access the shiny new lower burg area.
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