Mount Olympus
Leviathan 1 - (Standing 1) s,t,t,t, switching sides for the breath
(Ceiling) s,s,s, quick move to change sides (didn’t make an effort to find the safe spot due to the lack of checkpoints between phases *didn’t want to waste what time I had*)
(Wall) s,s,t was amusing, though I opted out of using it because I had a tendency to not move quick enough when embroiled in an attack string
(Standing 2) I stayed up close for this stage, still using s,t,t,t, block the single claw swipes, roll away from the slam, switch sides for the breath
Mountainside:Exterior A
Mountainside:Exterior B
-Grab the nearest spawn at the front, BR, head straight to the back to take out the archers, then BR the rest
Moutainside:Interior:Tomb of Ares
-Reverse the first grab (scripted), I still prefer CQC due to the tendency of the reverse to malfunction, easy enough to just hit with t,s, block, wait for the others to arrive, BR for “O”, then finish them off
Leviathan 2
Stage 1 – I prefer to stay up close on the left side (our left), still using s,t,t,t (or as much as he allows time for). Block his claw swipe (reminiscent of the first Infected Hand encounter in GoW:A), block the alternating slams (with s,t in between), then s,t,t,t to drive him back, roll back twice for the big slam
Stage 2 – As before, but now dodging to the side for the breath
Stage 1 – Stay in the foreground, s,t,t,t, switch sides for his claw slam, glide over his lightning (very handy to know that exists)
Stage 2 – I tried out your little nook, seemed useful but I couldn’t play as directly as I wanted, so I chose to stay between Poseidon and the base of Gaia’s thumb, s,t,t,t when on the ground, blocking his punch and sweep, jumping onto the wall for his stabs (t,t,t when up here).
Stage 3 – Exactly as before but with more annoying lightning attacks. When he does the left/right one, if you’re on the left wait out the right, then jump and glide over it, if you’re on the right just pray you can jump quick enough (which you usually can’t), for the front to back one, wait out the first two then jump and glide (I often got hit here but jumping too early and gliding down onto the last one).
River Styx
Realm of Hades
Hades Path
Palace of Hades:Exterior
(AoS Trial) BR
(Rope) To comment on your points from earlier, we absolutely do not have iframes whilst going for grabs, coming out of grabs, attacking, moving, etc. We only get them during grabs (and reverses), and they’re very keen to hit you right as you come out of a grab. After ~5 attempts I only managed to get through taking 1 hit, it’s asking a little too much of RNG to go without damage.
Gorgon Serpent Chamber
-Gorgon grab reverses are the main event here, then BR when her friends show up, when there was only a Gorgon left I went for CG whoring (seemed a bit quicker).
Peirithous Puzzle
-I did try the AI abuse option, but I found it easier to face the mongrel directly. Block his melee, dodge the fireballs (didn’t bother with air blocks), t,s for “O”. Then use fireballs for the sentries, and flamethrower for Peirithous.
Harpy Chamber
-Harpies are kinda dicks in GoWIII, they really enjoy swooping down at you after your air grabs or getting in the way as CG pulls you up, meaning you’ll often get hit in strange ways if you aren’t careful enough (which I’m not). The AI boundary at the entrance is also not precise, they won’t follow you in there unless they’re preparing for a dive, in which case they can do anything they want, and (why am I not surprised) their indicator on the floor sometimes disappears. So all that is a very long way of saying CG to air OS to ground OS, but with much opportunity for annoyance. I was also still getting back the HP from the hit on the rope, so no room for error (back to 100HP after grabbing the remaining Lost Souls).
Three Judges:Lower *Trials of Erebus*
-Go to the corner slightly left of the book (where we’d jump to get the chests) and wait for some spawns, then OS the nearest hand until the spawn pool is worn out, after that use the space to charge spirits to take out the rest.
-BR, prioritise other sentries/souls, but make sure to hit the Minotaur as well, the idea is to finish the lesser enemies at the same time you get the minotaur to “O” (which I almost did, had one Lost Soul left).
-This one was a little more difficult. Harpies first is a good rule to have, when they’re gone the plan is to CG everything into each other (for space, stun, and collisions). I happened to have the Gorgon freeze a Minotuar in between itself and me, which gave me the space to use a full t3 and shatter it, then back to CG for the rest.
Three Judges:Upper:Section B
-CG them towards the gap in the floor, got a ring-out on one of them, and the other one ended up with “O”.
Caverns of Hades:Bridge
-First let them explode the pot next to them, then I headed straight to the top to get the fiends off screen, then OS to OH, then BR the two sentries.
Caverns of Hades:Bramble Vent Puzzle
-OS to OH all the fiends.
NOTE: I managed to use OH redirect here, so that was nice.
Caverns of Hades:Hades Arms
-Absolutely not.
Palace of Hades:Outer Atrium
-CQC for the Talos, t,s is my preferred attack, then block, BR when the adds show up.
Caverns of Hades:The Forge
Caverns of Hades:Gazebo
-(Dogs) Kick them
Hades Path
(RoS Trial) BR
-It was actually surprisingly difficult to get up here without taking a hit, they like to stagger their arrows and their melee is quick, but the idea is to jump up, air block, and grab.
Palace of Hades:Exterior
(Twin Hades Cerberus) Cooking up spirits from the AI boundary (assuming the boundary is the same, this was useful practice for HCB; need to be far enough that they can’t hit you but not so far they charge).
Palace of Hades : Door of Hades
-Prioritise BR, kick the dogs after
Palace of Hades:Lower Chamber
-Used the AI boundary at the entrance as you note, worked rather nicely
Palace of Hades:Mezzanine
-I’ll note two handlings here. First, I lured the dogs to the gate and kicked the dogs through it (reminds me of grabbing through the barrier in the GoWII ER), then lured the Minotaurs out onto the balcony, T to CG for ring-outs. I was very happy with that until I realised I was missing a little bit of HP (about 1.5 Minotaur “O”s worth), so I restarted, did the same with the dogs, and whored CG to get the Minotaurs to “O”.
Palace of Hades:Upper Chamber
-BR, used alt.OH as well (just for the memories)
Palace of Hades:Lower Chamber *again*
-Handled it the same as before, didn’t work out quite as well as before (more willing to follow me down the hall), but still worked
Palace of Hades:Upper Chamber *again*
-Finish puzzle
Palace of Hades:Throne Room
S1P1 - (Stand) As soon as I realised I could block most of his hits, this became a lot easier. So block his double chain strike, roll away from the stomp (I believe those are his only attacks in this stage), hit him with s,t,s,s,s (spirit is the goal but he rarely gives you the time or the space to get it out).
S1P2 - (Wall) Jump over the first shockwave, get in tight next to him (in the semi-sweet spot), dodge away from his grab, block his claw strike, then keep going for spirits through his chain sweep and slam (since neither can hit you).
S1P3 - (Meat) Is it just me that feels like these stages are a little bit RNG regarding the path the meat takes? The idea is just to charge spirits and land as much damage as possible on the meat (takes roughly 3 spirits), but sometimes it seems to jump around and get back to him a lot quicker than others.
S2P1 - (Stand) As before, with his new double strike/blast (dumb hitbox), block the first one then roll to the side to get out of the way.
S2P2 - (Wall) As before, but he now has the skulls which are just blocked (although when he does that and then goes for a grab it’s very easy to miss it).
S2P3 - (Meat) As before.
S3 - (Wall) Block the Cerberus, walk slowly away from the geyser, after about 6 start charging a spirit and let it off when his guard is down.
S4 - (Tug-of-War) Nothing special here, hit, block, dodge, pull back up, repeat.
S5 - (CoH) Evade his sweep and punch, move to either side for his big slam, then swing to the other side for the breath, repeat until “O”.
Palace of Hades:Soul Summon Trial
Cavern of Hades:The Forge
-Pass through
Cavern of Hades:Gazebo
-This was exactly as bad as I was expecting it to be. Started with my usual CQC for the Talos’, made sure to get both to “O” so they could be dispatched simultaneously. Then grab the dogs, basically just mash o to chain grab them, as soon as the Talos gets close make some space and pray you don’t get grabbed by the dogs (great idea making it unblockable and undodgeable) before continuing, then finish off the last Talos.
Hades Path *yet again*
-Jump over and grab the first archers, then cautiously cross the bridge to the other three, quick s to stop them doing whatever they’re doing before grabbing them.
Olympia : Door
-Cast Gaia down
-Used the chokepoint at the level entrance, CG over the ledge
Olympia:Building A
-CG over the edges, I like to go near the chest for camera abuse
-(Centaur) Legionnaires first (ring-outs) then my usual CQC handling for the Centaur
(Snake) Roll to the side from the slime, block the tail swipe and the charge, t,s,s,s
(Lion) Charge spirit while keeping away from his fire, then let it off when he finishes, block the swipes and t,s
(Goat) I didn’t attempt jumping over (because it sounded like I might die trying it and I made it this far first try so better to be safe), so I stayed at a good distance to bait the fire wall, charged spirit, and let it go when it was over.
-Harpy ride
Olympia:Building B:Exterior:Balcony
-CG ring-outs
Olympia:Building B:Interior:Hallway
-BR the first Sentry, then grab another one at the far end, then keep that up as much as possible CG the Legionnaires (when no other possibilities are present, also “O” when available).
Olympia:Building C:Wall
Olympia:Eos Cave Door
-The stamp is ridiculously quick in this one, wasn’t expecting that after Ascension. The better way here is to bait out the stamp/punch combo, dodge it and charge t3 (reduce to t0 if he’s quick about it). After you mount it, a single t will break all the shields, then hit as many as possible, BR and CG as required to finish up.
NOTE: Now comes the real possibility of accidental DQ. Can’t wait for that.
Eos Cave:Corridor 1
-Rip them apart
Eos Cave:Corridor 2
-And again
Eos Cave:Catwalk 1
-This was actually a little bit difficult without the Head to quickly dispatch them (and light up the area), but CG and OS served fine
Eos Cave:Corridor 3
Eos Cave:Rope
-Standard rope
Eos Cave:Corridor 4A
Eos Cave:Corridor 4B
Eos Cave:Broken Bridge
-Harpy ride
Eos Cave:Cliffside
-CG or T to encourage burrow, stand against a ledge, CG to dump them off
Eos Cave:Catwalk 2
-First made sure to destroy all the bramble from outside before the fight started, then stood next to the barrier, blocking the arrows and dumping the Wraiths off the edge before finishing off the archers
Chain of Balance:Icarus Vent 1
-Do it
Chain of Balance:Scaffolding
Chain of Balance:Icarus Vent 2
-Do this one as well
The Caverns:Box 1
-Burn bramble.
The Caverns:Box 2
-Ram al the sentries into each other, leave one alive, then use it to ram a Minotaur off the edge (I got lucky and threw him back onto the box, so I could use him to do the same to the second one), then do the same for the next wave (this time I kept a minotaur on top for “O” to get back the tiny bit of HP I needed), burn the archers. BR the setries at the mongrel for “O”, flamethrower the minotaurs.
The Caverns:Box 3
-Listen to Hermes then get up the Chain of Balance
Chamber of the Flame
-Unveil 3 frescos, read them and watch the cutscenes
The Olympian Citadel A
-Proceed to the wall from the walk way, slide down, cross the grapple point and land on the burning, breaking bridge.
-(Bridge) OS for HP
-Pursue Hermes.
-Grab hold the Crane, pull the lever, cross the gap, make your way across another breaking bridge.
-Usual dog and harpy handlings
-Pursue Hermes past the portcullis. Use the catapult to reach Athena's Statue.
Grand Vestibule:Lower
-t3 from distance, took a while but I got a good feel for the distance you need to be at not to aggro him
Grand Vestibule:Upper
The Olympian Citadel B
-CG Legionnaires off the edge, t0 the Enforcer, repeat
Upper Chamber of the Flame
Upper Chamber of the Flame:Hallway A
-T to air grab the sirens first, then I went for CG antics on the Legionnaires (I never had to unveil a siren so no DQ possibilities)
Upper Chamber of the Flame:Muse Music Box
Upper Chamber of the Flame:Elevator
-Dull fight under these conditions. Turtel, reverse grabs for “O”, shatter statues, repeat.
Chamber of the Flame
-Move on up
Upper Chamber of the Flame
-Use the crank
Upper Chamber of the Flame:Hallway B
-OS/OH, CG, prefer to lure them further down the hall
The Forum
S1 - BR
S2 – BR
NOTE: They really like surrounding you during a BR and immediately piling on you when it ends. Dicks.
S3 – Spirit from range
S4 - (Cestus) t,t, avoid his single arm, reverse the double arm grab
Olympus Sewer:Nemean Roar trial
-(Trial) BR
-(Phalanx) CG pokes to break a shield, take them down to the boundary at the water, then poke shields and toss them in
Poseidon's Chamber:Main Chamber
-This bit was not fun at all, due to keeping in strict PAIN+ conditions, one wrong move and you’ve hit a dog with the Cestus and have to restart. Strategy was to kick the dogs at each other into the room, then use the space to poke the shields, before BR into the water.
NOTE: I got a glitch here where the BR went into the water, but at such an angle as I didn’t let go and drop, but pushed through the side and ended up infinitely floating upwards into a flickering white light. Was mad trippy. Thought I was going to get swimmingness but no such luck.
Poseidon's Chamber:Hyperion Gates
-(Puzzle) Kick dogs
-(Elevator) Kick more dogs
-(Bronze Talos) Just slap and block, I didn’t bother trying to separate them, just handled them exactly like the stone ones, except making sure to keep the pressure on to heat them up.
Poseidon's Chamber:Halls
-Draw them down the stairs one at a time, then CG pokes to break the shields and finish them off (many options)
Poseidon's Chamber:Main Chamber *again*
-Almost the same as before, lure the shields towards you before ramming them into the water, couldn’t figure out how to get the Talos in the water but there’s an AI boundary where the main hall connects to the alcove with the water so it’s easy enough to take him out while exploiting that.
Upper Gardens:Bridges
Aphrodite's Chamber
-Go through the gate
Cavern of Hades:The Forge *yet again*
-Go to Tartarus
Cavern of Hades : Path to Tartarus
-Kill Lost Souls
-(Centaur) BR takes care of most of this, I like to prioritise clearing the sentries around me (because they can and will swamp you without warning) whilst making sure to get a hit or two on the Centaur as well, also prioritise archers when they’re present. The real problem here is making sure they don’t pile on you (which is far easier said than done).
Gates of Tisiphone
-(2x Chimera) Handled this exactly the same as before (in terms of individual stages), but just with the added issue of facing two at once. Snake phase of the first one is simple enough, after that’s done and the second spawns, the lion phase takes priority, just keep distance, charge t3, and hope he hits a bramble pot which gets both of them (happens fairly regularly). I’d say the most likely scenario from here will be that you get C2 to “O” first (obviously use it), then get C1 to “O” and take him down to goat phase, then C2, then finish off C1, then finish C2. Throughout all of this I was just cooking up t3 from distance. Also if they’re in the foreground off screen, you can move towards them and keep their face on screen and they’ll keep hopping back, although I’m not sure if that was useful or if they were just jumping away from me and wasting time.
-Do the puzzle
Pit of Tartarus : Path
-Blind him
Cronos:Right Hand
-BR (aim them at the spawn point)
Cronos:Right Forearm
-BR, aim for the nail as much as possible (got very good RNG here, had the nail at “O” in about 3 BRs)
Cronos:Right Hip
-Wall grabs
-Checkpoint here is always terrible. BR, when (if) you run out of sentries, standard Talos handling for “O”.
-Attack Onyx
-BR as many of them as possible, it’s very important to kill most of them so as not to get entirely bullshat on the hand.
Cronos:Left Hand
(Wall) The only saving grace here is that wall attacks move you, so you can almost hit your way across the hand (which is really my only strategy, just hit and hope you don’t get hit).
(Floor) BR
(Ceiling) s whore
Cronos:Left Arm
Cronos:Left Shoulder
-BR, mount cyclops, attack shoulder
-Navigate then do mini-game escape
-Break it and do mini-game
-Break onyx and finish this encounter
Cavern of Hades:The Forge *for the last time*
-Get the whips and end Hephaestus
-(Trial) BR
Aphrodite's Chamber
-Passing through
Upper Gardens:Bridges
(Nemesis Rage trial) BR
Daedalus' Workshop
-Pass through
Olympus Garden:Maze
-I found it best to move past the Talos to get a good angle the CG the Legionnaires off the ledge, then lure out the others and do the same
Olympus Garden:Hall
-(Satyrs) 3x ground OS, still not at all comfortable with Satyrs in this entry but I only took 1-2 small hits and there are scorpions coming up, so nothing to worry about
Olympus Gardens : Puzzle
-Do it and cross the gap
Hidden Passageway:Hallway
-OS for HP
Hidden Passageway:Cave
-More OS
The Caverns:Box 4
-Group the first two Enforcers together and use s,s,t, when one gets to “O”, get to the other side and focus on the other one, finish both at the same time. When the Berserker arrives the problems begin, although the strategy is simple, quick roll and t0 when you feel safe, get both Enforcers to “O”, then deal with the Berserker, mount him, take out as many Enforcers as possible. If you have two or less remaining you’re fine, three or more and it’s not good.
The Caverns:Flood Chamber
-Pass on through
The Caverns:Hallway A
-Use Elevator
The Caverns:Hallway B
The Caverns : Dark Path
The Caverns : Dark Pool
-Ring-out the first Gorgon, then use the other one to shatter the harpies before ringing her out as well
The Caverns:Hallway C
The Caverns:Box 5
S1P1 – t,t is a useful means of dispatching the spawn (OS is good for HP), there are positions directly between the claw and the wall there you can stand and bait the swipe without getting death-tipped and also not encourage more spawn, so exploit that point, deplete the spawn, keep pressure up on the legs. S is also useful for quick damage, takes ~3 full uses to break a leg. I prefer to break both front legs and one middle one (and get everything else to red).
S1P2 – I still find this bit to be mainly RNG as far as where the spawn go, if you get surrounded it’s just over and there’s nothing to be done (because even if you survive you’ve wasted too much time), but just t,t the group and the face together, you know how this part goes.
S2P1 – t,t the groups of spawn while you’re waiting for him to appear, then back to the legs. The only thing you’ll really have to dodge is the stab, which isn’t too hard. The only real problem is getting caught between needing to deal with the spawn and the legs at the same time.
S2P2 – As before
S3 - Icarus Vent to mini-game
-Use the Boreas Icestorm and go up the vent. Use it again. Do the grapple sequence.
The Caverns:Box 6
-This was a fun section. I started by using CG, T to CG on the Gorgon to ring her out, then quick roll around looking for opportunities to CG the Minotaurs into her beam, then Cestus CG poke the shields, then CG the Legionnaires (either into the beam or off the edge), then send the final Gorgon off the side as well.
The Caverns:Flood Chamber
The Caverns:Hallway D
-Get to the rope and cross it. Then deal with the grapples
The Caverns:Box 7
-Boreas it
The Labyrinth:Box 1
-Usual CQC handling for the Talos, make sure to get them both to “O” at the same time, finish them off, then make some space between you and the mongrel, wait for a charge and use t,s,s,s,s, maybe kick a dog of two if they swarm you, then “O” the mongrel, flamethrower the Talos, then finish off anything that’s left.
The Labyrinth:Box 2
The Labyrinth:Box 3
The Labyrinth:Box 4
-Use the spikes to kill everything on the first floor, grab the harpy, jump to the ledge at the left side, sit and wait until everything except the Sirens are dead, then grab the harpy and finish them off
The Labyrinth : Pandora's Cage
-Get her
The Laybrinth:Box 5
-BR into the gorgons
The Labyrinth:Box 6
The Labyrinth:Box 7
-Not a great deal to be said here, this fight is mostly just skill (and there isn’t even a great deal of it required). Start by going to the right hand Siren, T to air grabs for “O”, then get the other two, then repeat to finish them off. From here, CG the shields, BR the guardians, isolate the bigger enemies and preferably kill them as they spawn, move around the perimeter to avoid getting bullshat from off screen, and pray Pandora leaves you alone (which she won’t, because she’s a dick). As discussed, I DQ’ed myself on two guardians, but I ripped them apart immediately after so I’m happy to accept it, had it been a bigger enemy I would have restarted.
The Labyrinth:Box Tops
-Get in position for the cutscene
Icarus Vent 3
-Do it
Three Judges:Lower
Hades Cerberus Breeder
S1 – Start with a spirit, then kick the dogs.
S2 – Air grab the satyr along the AI boundary, kick dogs when you can.
S3 – I got obscenely lucky here, I got the HCB to “O” before I killed the satyr, but it was exactly one air grab away from death, so I immediately finished it off and it was just S2 again.
Three Judges:Upper:Section A
-Infinite air grab the sirens, kick the dogs. Checkpoints in this whole section are weird.
Three Judges:Upper:Section B
-CG the shields, then take them over to the gap and CG them off the edge.
-I prefer to drag everyone through the hall, then usual shield pokes, infinite air grabs (legionnaires), ground/air OS (satyrs), BR if “O” comes about. There’s a HP refill immediately after so no need to worry too much.
Three Judges:Lower
-Break it
Icarus Vent 4
-Do it.
The Labyrinth:Box Tops
-Get going
Chain of Balance
-Keep going
Chamber of the Flame
Upper Chamber of the Flame
-Turn it
S1P1 – Jump over the dash grab, block the two punches, jump over the clap, t1 to air grab, repeat. Probably the easiest final boss in the series, almost literally nothing to it.
S1P2 – Block the floor bolts, then repeat. Could be more aggressive and jump up when he’s in the air but no need, easier to be safe.
Olympus : Pavilion
S2 -…
Gaia:Chest:Interior *Heart*
S3P1 – Much easier than it was on NUR+, t1 to air grabs, jump the clap, block the charge. Hardest part is not parrying at the start or between phases (the only method I found was to take a hit and close the distance).
S3P2 – Let him heal, evade for a while, then take out the clone while he goes to heal again (2x air grab). After that it’s exactly the same as before, keep the pressure up and he’ll never spawn another clone or heal (although his slam hits the heart, doesn’t seem to matter all that much since he never gets the chance to do it properly).
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