EDIT: Decided to edit the previous thread title to be more general but it defaulted to the wrong board so just starting fresh.
Don't know if this place is still active (seems to just be GMG occasionally updating things) but I've had some free time and decided to get back to GoW runs, currently working on a GoWII PAIN+. At this point I've spent around 17 hours sucking shit at the endurance run so I thought it would be better to fill out a skeleton so that it can be read by no one.
Rhodes Temple:Antechamber
- OS
Rhodes Temple:Hall
Colossus 1
-Struggling to recall this fight, I believe used OS on a few guards to thin the numbers, jumped over the shockwave from the fist and went in for as much of an s,t,s,s,s as possible. Not much to this one anyway
Rhodes' Bathhouse
-Nothing to note
Colossus 2
-Stand slightly right of centre to bait his left arm slam, roll through it to the left, spirit. Repeat, move to the other ledge, QTE, repeat, move back to first ledge, QTE
Rhodes Palace:Hallways
-Go up the elevator and slap the Colossus in the eye
Rhodes Palace:Western Ramparts
-Sprint to the door, OS along the way when needed
Rhodes Palace:Eastern Ramparts
Colossus 3
Stage 1 – Move through the fissures up to him, move back from the fist swing, jump over the shockwave, s,t,s,s,s, repeat
Stage 2 – Repeat
Stage 3 – Use the fist
Stage 4 – DR.
Inside the Colossus
- OS
(Shaft 1) Break it and navigate ahead
- OS
(Shaft 2) Break it and navigate ahead
- OS
-(Shaft 3) Break it
-(Shaft 4) Break it and escape
-Get killed
- I hate this part, I have to sit and farm orbs at the start to survive but after that just use t and jump out
Pegasus 1
- Lots of R and L dashes, circular movement around the griffins, t
- t the harpies
Mount Etna:Hand Cavern
- Air OS
Mount Etna:Hand Cavern:Walls
-Wall grabs
Mount Etna:Hand Cavern:Hallway A
-OH alt a harpy to take out the rest, O the minotaur
Mount Etna:Mountainside A
-Break the structure, 360 toss the archers, air grabs to O any remaining minotaurs
Mount Etna:Fires of Olympus
-get Prometheus down
Mount Etna:Mountainside B
-Wall Grabs
-Toss the ones on the ground
Mount Etna:Typhon's Cavern
-OH lock the first gorgon, OH alt the harpies for collisions, OH lock remaining gorgons
-OS harpies, preferably air OS for collisions
-Use TB on the distant enemies, toss the others at each other
-Cross the grapples, tosses
Mount Etna:Fires of Olympus
-Shoot down Prometheus
-Tosses for collisions, air grabs for O on any minotaurs that remain
-(rope) grabs
Mount Etna:Mountainside A
-RotT the door
Mount Etna:Hand Cavern:Hallway B
Mount Etna:Hand Cavern:Hallway A
Mount Etna:Hand Cavern:Wall
Mount Etna:Hand Cavern
-Free Pegasus
Pegasus 2
-t on the harpies, handle the griffins the same as before
-(Dark Rider) Dashes, move around him in circles, vertical movement is particularly important here.
Temple of Lahkesis:Cliff 2
-T to launch for OH, toss on O for more collisions
Temple of Lahkesis:Hanging Garden
-Kick dogs
Temple of Lahkesis:Cerberus Courtyard
-Kick dogs for collisions, O on the Cerberus when available
-(Ceiling) Grabs
-(Platform/Ledge/Chest Garden) Kicks and tosses
Temple of Lahkesis:Siren Sacrifice
-OH lock for O, repeat
Steeds of Time:Saddle 4:Exterior
NOTE: Horse order (behind; left to right) yellow, green, red (Saddle 3), blue (Saddle 4)
S1:P1/S1:P2 – s,t, L1
S2 – Use TB, safe spot to avoid his shots
M1 – T to OH for collisions and O, repeat 7 times
Steeds of Time:Saddle 3:Interior:CR Trial
-(CR trial) s,t, OH for collisions, toss when O is available
NOTE: I found this to be one of the more challenging sections due to space constraints
Steeds of Time:Bridle Puzzle
-Do it
Steeds of Time:Saddle 3:Exterior
-s,t, OH the lesser enemies (I forget their names), T to OH the remaining minotaurs
Temple of Lahkesis:Divine Pools
- Grab the harpies
-navigate to the Amulet
-do the puzzle and press on (head through the window)
Temple of Lahkesis:Amulet Chamber
Temple of Lahkesis:Courtyard
-This one was tougher than expected without the amulet. OS the wraiths, use OH for collisions where possible, OH alt the harpies. Bow tricking would likely have been helpful here but I neglected to learn it until BK.
Destiny's Atrium
-OS the boars, spirit from distance for the cyclops. I’ve since learned I can use OH alt on the boars, so this could have been handled much better.
Bog of the Forgotten
Barbarian King
S1 – s,t,L1
S2 – OS the summons
S3 – Trick everything, s,t. If you stand still and trick the hammer, he’ll eventually move past you and allow for some extra damage
S4 – s,t,L1, roll back and forward to avoid the spirits.
Bog of the Forgotten:Path to the Bog
Bog of the Forgotten:Temple of Euryale
-Get Euryale's Key
-OS to OH the beast lords
-Valor on the skeletons for ringouts/collisions
Ruins of the Forgotten
-Grab the first beast lord off the cyclops, OH for collisions, when the cyclops dies go for the beast lord in the top corner to keep the other one off screen and prevent summons, OS to OH.
Ruins of the Forgotten:Hallway
-I forgot there was enemies in here.
Ruins of the Forgotten:Pit
-OS the harpies, OS to OH the wraiths
Ruins of the Forgotten:Bog Battle
-Destroy the pillars, OS to OH the fiends
Ruins of the Forgotten:Forgotten Chamber
-OS to OH
River of the Forgotten
-Toss and move
Titan Minotaur 1
-Run in to the right to avoid the opening slams, spirit, charge spirits whilst baiting spins
River of the Forgotten:Euryale's Guantlet
-Pull down the tree
-(Vine) Grabs
-(Gears) Use Amulet and cross.
-(Conveyor) Tosses towards the wall, grapple once it breaks
Ruins of the Forgotten
-Do the puzzle, navigate ahead
Cave of the Forgotten
-Talk to the corpse
-Shatter minotuars, OH lock gorgon
-Proceed with the corpse
Cave of the Forgotten:Coliseum
Cerberus Bastard
Stage 1 – s,t,L1, move away from fireballs and charge spirit
Stage 2 - repeat
Cave of the Forgotten
-OH lock gorgons
Bog of the Forgotten:Temple of Euryale
-Destroy the Gorgon Door
Euryale's Temple:Antechamber
-s,t,OH the legionnaires, 360 toss when available
Euryale's Temple:Underground Chamber
-s,t,OH for collisions, 360 toss, O on hades minotaurs where available
Euryale's Temple:Elevator Puzzle
Euryale's Temple:Lowland Vista
-OH lock
Euryale's Temple:Temple Hazards
-Navigate through
Euryale's Chamber
Stage 1 – s,t,s,s,s, trick the beam and the slam, block everything else.
Stage 2 – spirit as much as possible, trick the beam, jump over the shockwave
Stage 3 – This stage took a very long time to get right, main issue was learning the timing for tricking the slams. Final strategy was to trick the slams, s,t, trick the slams, repeat, worked out better for muscle memory that way rather than s,t,s,s,s.
Euryale's Chamber:EH Trial
-Petrify and crush 5 Sentries
Euryale's Temple:Pillar Puzzle
-(Center Pillar Battle) s,t,s,s,s,s,L1 the first sentry, OS to OH the fiends, aim for collisions on the sentry, finish the last sentry
Euryale's Temple:Stone Crusher
-Kick dogs
Euryale's Temple:Cavern
Titan Minotaur 2
-Handle the same as the first one but with as much OH alt as possible and occasionally needing to dodge a projectile
Catacombs of the Fallen
-Run to the end, spirit
Destiny's Atrium
-Break the door
Island of Creation:Walkway
-360 toss the archers, OH lock the other ones whose name escapes me
Courtyard of Atropos
-Not a fan of this part, had to check Shin’s handling, which I replicated. Move over to the door to channel them in, OS to OH for collisions.
Halls of Atropos (lower)
-(Priests/Minotaur Grunts) OS to OH the priests, T to OH to minotaurs, hopefully collisions
-(2 Satyrs) s,t,OH for collisions when they’re up close, valor for knockbacks if you have some space to work with. Not nearly as difficult as one would expect.
Hall of Atropos (upper)
-(Exterior) OS
-(Interior) s,t,OH the smaller enemies for collisions, s,t,L1 to finish off the sentry
-(Root 1) s,t,OH
-(Root 2) These two roots were not fun without the amulet. On this one I got a quick air OS on a harpy to hopefully take out another one and get a collision, s,t,OH the smaller enemies and toss when O, OS the harpies.
-(Root 3) Same strategy as before, s,t,OH, OH alt, tosses, whatever you can do to get collisions and also roll continuously.
Bathhouse of Atropos
Stage 1 – I was very cautious here, wait for his 8 charge attack and then s,t, wait for O
Stage 2 – This stage is much safer what with visibility. Just block his stab or double slash, s,t. I wasn’t able to figure out air tricking for the flash but that’s not a concern.
Stage 3/4 – Spirit towards the walls, wait for O to show up.
NOTE: I don’t know what the difference between S3/4 is. Any chance of having that elucidated?
Courtyard of Atropos
-Do the puzzle and press on.
Lowlands:Exterior Hallway
-Toss archers
Lowlands:SoD Trial
-More tosses
-Get across
-Cross it
-(Fight 1) This fight was an ordeal. OH lock the first siren, aim for collisions, then make sure to time it so that the remaining two can be finished off simultaneously leaving only the hades minotaurs which are best dealt with by spirit whoring from distance.
-(Fight 2) OH lock the first satyr, as soon as the sentries arrive spirit from distance. Both of those waves are much easier written than done.
Great Chasm
-Just use s,t, and follow the prompts.
Atlas Innards:Spine Chamber
-OH alt harpies for collisions, OH lock satyrs when they’re all gone
Atlas Innards:Battle Arena
Titan Minotaur 3
Stage 1 – spirit from distance
Stage 2 – dodge rocks
Stage 3 – spirit from distance
Atlas Innards:Puzzle Room
-Navigate ahead
Atlas Innards:Hades Nymph Hive Chamber
-OS, use them to damage each other and the hives
Atlas Innards:Climbing Section
Atlas Innards:Puzzle Room
-Use the Thermal Draft to exit
Atlas:Hanging Platforms
-(Atlas Lift) **** this entirely. The basic idea is simple, land outside the middle circle to delay the spawn of the sword guy whose name I still cannot remember, turn the handle a little, let go, OH sword guy, OH alt the harpies for collisions, roll a lot, pray to your chosen god for forgiveness. It isn’t complicated it’s just a lot going on in a small space and launches and OH requires you to stand still among firebomb harpies so it’s a shitter to pull off, and of course I can’t open chests so it needs to be done near-perfectly.
Atlas' Arm:Wall A
-Drop rocks on them
Atlas' Arm:Rock Puzzle
-Do it
Atlas' Arm:Wall B
-Navigate it
Atlas' Arm:Hand
-Break the Chain, resist Atlas' grip
-(AQ trial) Launch, OH, toss
The Great Chasm
-Navigate ahead
Palace of the Fates:Palace Courtyard A
-(Entrance) OS to OH the beast lords, do everything possible to stop summons, OS to OH fiend
Palace of the Fates:Spiked Floor Chamber
-(Spike Room) Air OS for collisions.
-Get the Crank
Palace of the Fates:Palace Courtyard B
East Auditorium:Hallway A
East Auditorium:Hallway B
-Kicks and tosses
-Get the block
Auditorium of Lahkesis
-(Wave 1) Step outside the door, dump the tranny back inside, kicks and tosses.
-(Wave 2) Walk out to the trigger, walk back and use the rock to block the translator in, then head back out to the area where W3 takes place and use the camera and the end of their aggro to set up OH collisions. Then make a checkpoint because I do not want to have to do this every time I fail W3.
-(Wave 3) That being said, this was easier than I was expecting, only took about an hour and a half. I’ll outline this step by step. First, get the drop and jump exploit so you can get to the priest quicker, make sure to grab him from the left and OH him so he gets sent slightly to the right, from this point on it’s important to stay to left of the translator so the new spawns move in front of him instead of coming around and surrounding him, immediately after the OH grab the dog furthest to the right and kick it at the priest, then get the other one and do the same, the first priest is now dead. From this point on just kick and toss towards the priests and hope, if you get good positioning and good collisions it’s not all that difficult.
-Crush his Head, get the key, open the door and head through Hallway C and Hallway A to Palace Courtyard B then use the key on the Ram Door.
West Auditorium:Spiked Wall Hallway
West Auditorium:Garden of the Gods
-Hear yourself, break wall, navigate ledge leading ahead
West Auditorium:Sacrificial Chamber
-OH lock, lever, repeat
West Auditorium:Blood Tunnel Chamber
-Navigate it.
West Auditorium:Iced Phoenix Puzzle
-Do the puzzle and proceed.
West Auditorium:Nymph Nest Chamber
-OS ground nymphs to destroy hive, climb wall and use t to destroy both the nymphs and the hives
West Auditorium:Pantheon of Atropos
-Didn’t enjoy this. OH alt the spawn, got lucky and had four spawn present when I killed the first breeder so the others didn’t spawn, OH alt any spawns until the breeder is dead, spirit chip the sentries, s,t,L1 when there’s only one left.
West Auditorium:Fate Statue Puzzle
-Do it
Auditorium of Atropos
-Save the Translator then crush him
-Get Warrior Skull, open door
West Auditorium:Thermal Lift Puzzle
-Do it
Palace of the Fates:Courtyard B
-I needed to use two of the cyclopes for hp so keep one behind the other and trick through the slams, spirit as much as possible (usually won’t get the finisher unless they taunt) dodge when you have to and realign. Once my hp was full I found a nice little exploit to get the others to run off the ledge.
The Undeground:Bone Crusher
-(Spiked Ceiling Elevator) Bait the laugh, T into the spikes
The Underground:Lava Chamber A:Hallway A
-(Rope) Grabs
The Underground:Lava Chamber A:Hallway B
-Toss into gorgons as much as possible, when the lesser enemies are depleted OH lock for collisions. Biggest problem here is getting instantly shattered.
The Underground:Lava Chamber A:Hallway C
-Toss everything at each other
The Underground:Lava Chamber B
-Navigate ahead
Phoenix Chamber:Platform A
-Navigate ahead.
Phoenix Chamber:Platform B
-Valor to ring out the skeletons, OH lock the one with the sword
Phoenix Chamber:Boreas Puzzle
-Try and get them killed by the spikes, I can usually only get one so just OH the other one into the spikes for instant kill
Phoenix Chamber:Hallway
-Navigate ahead
Phoenix Chamber:Flame Wall Chamber
-Spacing is very particular in the opening, need to push the statue in only a short distance so as not to trigger the flame wall or the enemy spawn, then kick it right, kick it forward, kick it left, then use the invisible wall at the entrance to set up OH alt on the harpies, OH lock the sword guy if needed, when he’s dealt with kick the statue forward to trigger the next spawn, when it’s clear move the statue forward, pull the lever, kick it forward to trigger the final two, same tactics as before, when everything is clear do the buttons and leave.
Phoenix Chamber:Platform B
- Valor the skeletons for knockbacks on the minotaurs, when they’re gone spirit chip them, O everything when possible.
-Pull the lever
Phoenix Chamber:Circular Stairwell
Phoenix Chamber:Exit Chamber
-Pull the lever
Palace of the Fates:Palace Courtyard B
-Use Boreas
Palace of the Fates:Interior A
Palace of the Fates:Interior B
-Blow Horn, navigate to door, open it
Palace of the Fates:Upper Palace A:Elevator Puzzle
-OS to OH
Palace of the Fates:Upper Palace B
-Use the levers
Palace of the Fates:Upper Palace B:Palace Window
Last Spartan
-Hit and Block
Palace of the Fates:Palace Courtyard B
-I hate this fight more than I’m capable of expressing. Basically because as far as I can tell (after taking 5 hours to beat it) it’s largely random, and full of glitches.
Stage 1 – Safe spot. After a while I figured out to stay next to the tentacle to avoid the stabs and roll away when the tentacle moves, use spirit throughout all this. Phase two is where the randomness comes in. Drop the body on the plate, float up to the head and use s,s,s,t,t,t for maximal damage. As far as not getting hit is concerned, I have no idea how to avoid the stabs, obviously if the right tentacle moves you go left or vice versa, it’s often good to go after an attack, but really if he does the wrong thing at the wrong time there’s nothing you can do.
Knob 1 – Climb up, 7 t’s, O
Stage 2 – Same as S1, slightly easier to control the flying since one tentacle is gone.
Knob 2 – Getting on to this tentacle is annoying as ****, every time I think I’ve figured out how to do it consistently it immediately stops working and I end up wasting half the time jumping around, which means sometimes S2 gets repeated 2-3 times before the knob is done. As far as damage, I think it’s most efficient to use s,s,t.
Stage 3 – Make your way to the middle to the safe spot for the slam, then alternate spirits either side.
-Cross the Bridge
Palace of the Fates:Phoenix Platform
-Tame the beast and ride
Spire:Temple of the Fates:
-Do the puzzle
Temple of the Fates:Throne of Lahkesis
The combination of this fight and the kraken are enough to put me off the idea of doing GKPAIN+, what an ordeal this was. Took about five hours in total, four of which were on Lahkesis alone (although learning muscle memory for tricking takes time). It’s worth noting I accidentally parried one of her projectiles but she parried it back and I tricked it away, so I felt it was a negligible accident. DQ me if you must but I was four hours in and I decided to continue the attempt and it happened to be the successful one, I can do it again if it’s really necessary.
S1:P1 – Trick through her single projectile and the double spread ones, s,t, but do the s away from her and only hit with the t, this seems to encourage her melee attack, which you can block and repeat. Not much more to it than this, just keep it up for about 10 minutes until she starts diving.
S1:P2 – When the dives start, use them to charge a spirit whilst moving away and then back in, other than that keep up the same tactic from P1.
Stage 2 – Dodge her single projectiles, walk away near a grapple and lure her over, grapple up and whore t, when she drops roll to the far edge to evade the semicircle projectile, then continue, O when available.
Athens:Sword Bridge
-Toss and dodge, nothing special here.
Temple of the Fates:Throne of Lahkesis
Sisters of Fate
S1:P1 – I treat this very much the same as Lahkesis S2, trick her attacks until Atropos appears, when Lahkesis floats up to prepare for her beam use the grapples to make your way over to them, jump from one to the other using t as much as possible, when Atropos finishes her attack land on the one directly above her to send her back into the mirror, repeat.
Mirror 1 – Use the amulet, spirit, repeat. Let Lahkesis do the work destroying it.
S1:P2 – Same as before
Mirror 2 – Same as before
Stage 2 – Avoid her pillars that move out, trick her projectiles, s,t,s,s,s, O when possible.
-Crush the Mirror
Inner Sanctum:Hallway A
-Navigate ahead
Inner Sanctum:Circular Chamber
-Navigate ahead
Inner Sanctum:Hallway B
-Break through the wall
Inner Sanctum:Endurance Run
Wave 1 – Easy wave, quick roll until you’re two hallways units from the barrier, roll through the first one and a short way into the second then jump out, run around the legionnaire and set up the right angle on an s,t, to OH him into the sentry, repeat until everything’s dead.
Wave 2 - Toss
Wave 3 – This fucking wave. My preferred opening is to walk in until they spawn, move back to T,OH the siren into the gorgon, then quick roll past he middle barrier, spirit through the barrier, move away, let them cross the barrier, roll past them before the barrier comes back, repeat. Trick through any projectiles and beams as necessary, OH collision if you can, if you can shatter some sirens so much the better. All that said, I still have yet to pass this wave with full hp (best I managed was about 80 and in that run I shattered two sirens)
Wave 4 - OH
Wave 5 – This one’s all about positions, patterns, and patience. I’m going to refer to the three sections formed by the barriers as 1, 2, and 3, in the order we run through them to head down the corridor (meaning we start in 1 and the satyr spawns in 2). Move into 2 to spawn the satyr, move back into 1 and spirit through the barrier, when the barrier drops lure everything into 1 and roll down to the end of 2, plume or spirit (time dependent) and move into 3 as the barrier comes up, lure them in, go to 2, lure them in, return to 3 as the barrier comes up, when it drops go into 1 as the barrier comes up. Repeat that pattern and do your best not to get hit by any stray satyrs (easier said than done).
Wave 6 - Toss
Wave 7 – I have no defined tactics for this wave, I’ve only reached it twice so far, basic plan is just toss, roll, trick and pray. Will update when I’ve passed it, very happy to take suggestions.
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