is this it ? Ok, it sa 8/10 but is this what we have all been waiting for ?
I got a good enough machine to run the game between Medium and High settings, fair enought. Good fps and all that stuff. But the game did not strike me as amajor revolution of games because of many reasons.
Graphics. The graphics are great, but not out of the ordinary. That´s enough said about the graphics.
Enemy AI. Ok, before that, we got about 4 different types of enemies. Helmet wearing ones, ones that forgot to wear it, one type with a Beret and another one, so they all look the same basically. Did Chris Tucker make this game or did the developers refer to the movie Rush Hour II where he said "you asians look all the same" because to me, this was a horrible point in the game. Plus, the enemy AI is ok, not that astonishing, they try to flank you nicely, they act all scared and shoot at all directions like the dude with the big hat from Predator and his mini-gun (Jessie James), but that´s about it. So many times I shoot at someone and they just stand there and don´t even react. That is in HARD (Delta I can´t get my crap together, no patience for that).
Tactics. Ok, I HATE when I see in previous that you can strangle people and punch them and they fly 100feet through the air and then you walk towards machine gun emplacements getting fired at witht he Maximum Armor mode because when I do that in Crysis, I die in 2-3 seconds. So, this reminded me of C&C Renegade. Make fancy movies and then talk pansy.
Single Player campaign is I beat in 1 day, I think5 or so hours of gameplay. When I was ready to go back to the island I am greeted with a "there will be a part 2" but this time, I won´t be all hyped about it.
People, the game was good entertainment, it is good, I agree, but all this hype and this and that, that it would revolutionate pc gaming, you can count me out on that one.
Just curious about some of your opinions
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