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grafkhun Blog

Back and 360?

Orlando was great, my flight was on the ninth not the tenth like I thought.

Xbox 360... i may be getting one this summer! I was going to build a PC with my cousin this summer or buy a Alienware, but I will most likely get a xbox 360. Some laptop, finance and other stuff popped up and I may buy a 360! Don't tell me what to get or anything either, I know what games I am getting already, if I get one.

Konami packing heat!

Guess what? Can not guess huh? Well Contra 4 is coming out on the DS and is an exclusive! I love Contra, actually all side scrolling shooters, probably my favorite genre of games. I played the old ones on NES and SNES so much back in the day, the newer ones I have not gotten into, but Contra 4 looks like pure 2-d shooters bliss. I can not wait for it! Someone knock me out and then wake me up when it comes out okay?

Also i wonder why i do not use contractions in my blogs? Weird... and I rarely use smileys... odd. Oh well, Contra 4 baby! See you guys/gals on the tenth of July, later. Oh and i will not be on Gamespot AT ALL from now until the tenth, so please do not stop tracking me or whatever and sorry that I can not comment on your blogs.

Contra 4!

Babel about babbling.

Babel the movie is amazing. I saw it recently and I think that is was a great film. The Departed won best picture at the Oscars, and I agreed with that before because I did not see some of the other ones and Little Miss Sunshine (I saw it and it was hilarious) had no chance, so i went with Departed and when it won I was pleased. Then after seeing Babel I am surprised that it did not win, maybe because Crash won last year and they were both in the same fragmented story telling style. But Babel was just awesome, it had several random stories in Morocco, Mexico and Japan, but they tie up so perfectly in the end.

Babel was the Christian biblical structure which people tried to build to heaven. God did not want man to reach heaven with Babel so he made man speak in different tongues which resulted in poor communication and in the end they couldn't build Babel. The English word "babble" comes from this event because they were just babbling and coulldn't understand one another. Babel had many misunderstandings, prejudices and miscommunications. (Sorry if I offended anyone using the biblical reference, I apologive in advance).

Basically go see Babel, if you saw it what did you think of it? Also I will not be here from July second to July tenth, going to Orlando Florida, not for vacation or visiting family though, it is for something else, I cannot share. I will not be on Gamespot during that time period. Comments on Babel?

Welcome to Pandemonium.

(feel free to skip this intro thing) Today the 26th I cut myself wrapping pizza in tin foil. I was ripping tin foil to wrap the pizza so i could put it in my fridge then i cut my finger real bad, it still hurts. I hope I did not get that metal-in-blood disease or whatever from this. The pizza was a greasy sicilian pizza by the way.

Okay, on to the main blog material, The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexander Dumas is a great read. If you have read it don't spoil it, if you have not read it you should and if you are reading it right now like me what do you think of it? I love it so far, it really does deserve the title of literature classic. WARNING the book is long, over one thousand pages, one thousand and seventy-nine or something like that.

Also my stick arena name is "grafkhun" as well, if you ever want to play a game send me a PM, google stick arena if you do not know what it is. Oh and about the weird title, yeah... I just pulled it out of my butt, and no slaps this time okay?

I lied... someone slap me.

okay i lied b/c here i am blogging for no reason at all just b/c i feel like it, after i said i would not.

last time i kinda meant i wont ask anymore question/advice blogs, like my 360/PC dillema, that psychojakrabbit took care of, thanks man.

well i took 2 benedrylls today (sunday 7/24) before, b/c i woke up and my left eye was stuck, i couldn't open it, i pried it open with my fingers and it hurt like a motherf***er. Apparently i had some allergic reaction b/c the area around my left eye was covered in dried up eyeball liquid, it was cool. my eye was blood red as well, my dark black pupils were slightly maroonish as well. i felt okay though, i mean i didn't feel sick or anything but then i wake up and my eye is going bonkers... man it was wierd, some local rxn or something.

Then i went to church (like i always do every sunday) and i couldn't help falling asleep due to the benedryll, dang that stuff makes you drowsy. i mean my pastor is pretty boring and by-the-numbers, but i usually do not fall asleep in church, damn, good thing i was sitting in the back corner. i woke up when the worship team went back up on the stage after my pastor finished and was like "WTF?!?!?!!? where am i?!?!? anyone die?!?!?!", anyways, yeah... good thing it wasn't communion or a baby dedication or some silly special sunday thing. also my church smells like 2 week old gorgonzola cheese put in a blender with rat feces, nasty.


I am not leaving GS, but i will not blog anymore or ask any questions. I may post on your blog here and there as well. Also my burnout revenge review is finished as well and i got a sweet new avatar. goodbye.

oh and i erased my old blogs out of habit, i vow to never erase my blogs again.