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grafkhun Blog

New Brackenwood movie! hooray.


check it out its a Newgrounds Flash, but one of the best. I think everyone will enjoy it no matter what, sorry if you already saw it as well or if its old. Check out Adam Phillips other stuff as well if you want, or if you don't want to watch the movie then I guess you can just twiddle your thumbs or go prevent forest fires or something. Ok fine if you dont wanna watch it then you can read this funny story.

The other day I was going through my demos on my 360, I saw that there were some arcade games on it, so i checked 'em out. I played the Street Fighter II demo, it was pretty good... I guess. Ok so first of all the 360 has a terrible D-pad.

As you can see, it's kinda like one giant button but has 4 little nooks popping out for the directions, its pretty poor overall and probably the only really big negative aspect about the 360 controller. I play fighting games with a d-pad, well 2-d ones at least, and not to brag, but i am pretty good at Street Fighter and know most of the moves, I play with Ken or Ryu by the way.

So, I start playing, I like to open up a match with a hurricane kick in the face, so i press down, back and kick, but because the d-pad sucks and the game is very sensitive, I couldn't pull it off! It took me like a bajillion tries and my opponenet, another Ryu was just sending out haduken blue fireballs at me and pissing me off. I finally nailed it and then I miss... motherf***ing g0d dammit piece of s***. Anyways I then try a haduken fireball, down, forward and punch, it doesn't work either! Ok so I resort to the analog stick (yes I was ashamed I left my purist s t y l e of play for a little bit) but the analog stick wasn't much better either, sometimes Ryu would jump when I just wanted him to walk up or he would crouch randomly.

In the end, I have determined 2-d fighting games are difficult to play on the 360 because of the d-pad, but now with Street Fighter 4 coming out sometime in the future I am worried, I may to invest in a lap gamepad or some special 8 direction sitck peripheral.

Wow I wrote a lot, I ment it to be a short blog, oh well. Don't forget to floss.

junk, now recycled.

Ok first off, tomorrow I will most likely have a new review up... you can probably guess what game it is. Secondly, I can't wait for monday because Super Mario Galaxy comes out! and finally if you play Halo3, what is the requirements for "hells janitor" medal? I was playing a custom infection game and got it. I never heard of it before until today.

edit- hells janitor is when you get a killing frenzy/10 kills without dying in infection. basically kill 10 zombies w/o dying and you get it. its not an achievment, its a medal!

and thats about it, see ya'll around, don't forget to brush your teeth.

review mania.

Hellgate London user review page link try not to cry at the ridiculousness of it, I almost did. The game came out yesterday, already there are 2 pages of reviews, all are snap reviews and highly biased and probably based off of hype and I doubt anyone of those reviewers put in more than 5 hours of game time into it. How could you possibly write a review in 1 day? and nevertheless bash or praise it with so much hyperbole? The scores hit both high and low extremes as well. It was like they just wrote down their first impression and solely based the game off that, some games have slow starts or the good sections don't come into until later, and it's an RPG which usually take time to settle in and for the player to ease into it.

Many of the complaints were focused upon the poor server connections and other minor online issues. Well give the game a break, sometimes a game has server issues and it was just released, god is there no patience today? Also many compared it too Diablo, hellgate london is considered the spiritual successor of the Diablo series but if was going to be a sequel I think they would of spelled Hellgate London with a d, i, a, b, l, o and probably add a "3" after it. Plus one reviews summary, I qoute it here.

" This game is too bad, look at the other games these days (crysis, timeshift, cod4, gears of war, assassin's creed). "

All I have to say is wow.... really, just wow. This doesn't even deserve to be explained it's just that bad. Then some graphical grievances were voiced as well, keep in mind this game was designed to be able to be played by people with crappy PC's or old PC's instead of forcing you to upgrade or something. Bear in mind, I am all for expressing ones opinion and you can do it in any way you want, but unless your mind works at the speed of photonic positron emission ray speed, I do not think you can play a game enough in such a short period, let it sink in, and write a review. if you haven't figured it out yet, I hate snap, unexplained hate/love and crappy reviews by anyone. I think I am going to write a "review guide" and submit it here, hopefully it may help in some way. It is sad to see how poor user reviews are and at times just plain idiotic, maybe I am too fundamentalist in my reviewing aspect but I think I could eat a can of alphabet soup and poop out a better review then the ones on the Hellgate London page. Piece in. edit- I have not played Hellgate London, this isn't about Hellgate but about reviews.

oh yeah I almost forgot here is a song if anyone is interested. song

LIVE is pretty damn good. (Updated, funny vid)

I only played Halo3 over the weekend, on the 3rd campaign level on heroic difficulty. I played like 30 matches so far or something and have like 20 experience or something like that. I must say, the multiplayer is much better than Halo2... which is a big achievement. (I rant here a bit, skip to *** if you want) The sword is still a small tad overpowered, Rocket Launcher splash damage feels much stronger, grenades have a bigger vertical drop to them, Brute shot is kickass now, plasma weapons are severely underpowered now especially the plasma pistol and the Battle Rifle fire rate seems to be lowered a bit... I noticed these changes so far. The Assualt Rifle is much improved as the bullet spread is more concentrated unlike in Halo1, but the clip is smaller. Overall its awesome, VIP mode is my favorite, one guy on each team has an overshield and you can only score a point by killing that guy. CTF is still awesome and especially on Valhalla map, I love camping the flag with a missile pod and taking out vehicles when they come, I leave the flag swiping to my teammates, Isolation is the worst map for CTF and I still suck at shotty snipers. (end halo rant)

Put down your impressions of Halo3 multiplayer if you want as well.

*** Q1 of 2008 can not come fast enough... Devil May Cry 4! heres a vid !

update- you will laugh so hard. video

Achievement Unlocked.

Thats right... i got my xbox 360! I just set it up online, got a gamertag and changed the setting around a bit, didn't play anything. I got the bundle with Forza2 and Marvel Alliance, going to sell Marvel, I got Halo3 standard version as well, was going to get the Orange Box, but I am still deciding whether to get the PC version instead. My friend is selling me Rainbow Six Vegas for 30 bucks, it works and everything and it's $40 in stores so I am saving 10 bucks and when I got it at Target they didn't have any copies of Eternal Sonata, darn.

Well I got 12 months of live all paid for and everything is in shape for some gaming. But I will be renting games mainly for my 360 and only buying a few games, going to rent Bioshock, Stranglehold and couple others whenever I get a long weekend or something. Finally... official Wii60 owner.

My gamertag, inspired by one of my friends, I had a lot of other ideas like Filet_Mignon, SauteedOnion and omgu8mycurry... but I went with this one.


Few things.

New Bioninc Commando remake... holy crap! didn't see this one coming. anyways here is the movie i put up last time but its in HD, its amazing and link188 please watch it, if you don't then whats the point of me linking or even sharing it?

And I am getting my xbox 360 this week! I have a 50 dollar best buy gift certificate as well, hell yeah! Later ya'll, sorry that I haven't been on that much recently, been busy. I will put up a song soon as well.

Several times a day...

I pass gas, it feels great. Anyways watch this, it's... it's just... AWESOME! Mr. Oum you got skills dude.

Later ya'll, oh and I almost forgot, Microsoft has announced a new bundle for xbox 360 as you probably know; it is normal price of 350$ but has Marvel Alliance and Forza 2 free with it! I will be definitely buying this when it's availible. I will sell marvel Alliance and keep Forza 2... been dying to mess around with that customization feature. Can't wait until I have a wii60! Hey link_188 you can go all Captain Random here if you want. Later ya'll.

Einhander review.

I put up a new review for Einhander, if you read it please give me a critique of it, thanks. Scroll down a bit to read it.

SNK made my day.

Metal Slug 7 is coming for the DS in 2008! This and Contra 4... oh man I can't wait. As some of you know, my favorite genre is 2D shooters and both of those series are some of the best I have ever played, and I have played a lot of 2D shooters. Its just gonna be pure jump-run-shoot-kill-blast-everything-in-sight gameplay bliss when I get these 2 games :D can't wait for them... *twindles thumbs* well i guess I wil go play more Carious Weltings 2. WARNING: very bloody and twisted/disgusting, not for the sqeamish. play story mode first.


wi code for all of you who want it, sorry for the wait :oops:

2498 7082 6968 2590

I fell better now, I just hung around my house and relaxed friday afternoon and you guys cheered me up :D thx eveyone who posted in my last blog.

here is a song its metal. Its the one i put up last blog, and here is another if you already heard it, song. This one is a piano part :lol: 2 totally dif songs.