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grafkhun Blog

new review is up. *updated twice now*

scroll down a tad. like always, critiques/comments/questions are welcomed and appreciated :D

oh and i kinda went back to my old manual like review st.yle, but i blended in more colliqiual elements. plus i got rid of the "traditional 5 catergory scoring" thing at the end of my reviews.

well drop a comment in the box and a coin in my hand.

update: GH3 like you've never seen it before! link i almost died of laughter.

update deux- link to obtaining aquaria :D hope it helps anyone.

couple things.

Is there any long term effects of listening to too much DnB music? I think my internal rthym is getting a little off lately...

Do you consider funk its own seperate genre or a sub-genre of jazz? I think it's jazz still, but my sister disagrees, help me prove her wrong!

I am almost finished with another review (I'm on a review rampage now) so yeah...

lastly if you have a xbox 360 do you think the XBLA game "Exit" is worth it? I heard about it when it was on the psp but I just recently found out it was on XBLA. I don't want to go to the 360 forum because threads go unanswered, plus if they anser it will just be "LOL wtf is that?" and "just go play more coffee overdose for 4"

address all 3 if you can, thanks in advance. well drop a comment in the box and a coin in my hand.

just a new review.

review up, Robotech: Battlecry, scroll down a bit to read it if you wish. I submitted it a few days ago, so yeah thats it... well drop a comment in the box and a coin in my hand. (hey should i make this my clincher at the end of my blogs now or what?)

your plans to get rid of me failed!

so yeah its been what? a month since I last blogged? yeah well apologies to everyone and stuff, sorry i missed like all your blogs and stuff.

well i put up my Super mario galaxy review, scroll down a tad to read it if you want. I made this one shorter than my other reviews and didn't yap on for ages about the gameplay like i usually do. I also sound more like a human being than a robotic digitized manual trying to explain the gameplay in such raw elements. From now on i will be taking some things for granted in my reviews. link to review.

and heres a funny parody song of 500 miles by the proclaimers. listen if you want, probably the last song i will ever put up. song

well drop a comment in the box and a coin in my hand, later.

Just for NG. biggest update ever added!

so yeah, I wasn't planning a blog but this was too cool to not share with ya'll... if any of you are interested that it.

yeah, yeah, I now I'm like a Newgrounds commercial but deal with it. click it if you want, only if you have Sony's latest will it actually be helpful but w/e, at least it's sexy. Time to go find some more jazz songs on the NG Audio Portal now.

edit- CYBERNATOR is on wii VC... im in heaven, and i was planning to get contra 4 on DS soon... im playing Aquaria which is an amzing game as well... 2d gaming bliss :D then metal slug 7 coming out next year? HELL YEAH! ok i gotta calm down.

useless knowledge time!

prob my last blog for a while, not leaving just not gonna blog much anymore. and gamah_killah, where is my banner? i put in the URL but it doesn't show up? fix it nublet.

not feeling that chipper lately, (very unwonted compared to my usual mood) maybe the paradoxical holiday season mood is finally seeping into my veins? naw... well been listening to lots of heavy metal and ragtime piano jazz lately, helps me relax and calm down. I won't link the songs like i usualy do, but if you want them you can send me a PM and I will send them to you.

umm...useless fact, my hands are kinda numb now b/c i was just outside shoveling the snow off my driveway, I forgot to put on gloves and was too lazy to go back into my house and put them on.

ok time to go play more Aquaria.


Yes it is out, been out since the 7th. Definitely one of the most brilliant games I have ever played, it's fantastic. You probably don't know what I'm talking about so I will fill in the gaps for you slackers out there.

Aquaris is an indie game, some of you know my love for indie devs/games (I especially dig The Behemoth), it was developed by Alec Holowka and Derek Yu, plus Jenna Sharpe, the female voice actor. It's a 2-D masterpiece and is just brimming full of intuitive accessibility and innovative charm and s-t-y-l-e. You should check it out, demo or buy, it's 30$ to purchase and it's worth it. here is the official page.

Well that about wraps up this blog, oh I almost forgot... Aquaria... it's awsome.

December 3rd is anti CNET day

Please do not log on to,,,,,,,,, or any other website owned by CNET for the date of Monday, December 3rd. We really need to spread the word here, and be commited to not logging on so we can lower their traffic enough for them to feel it.

Please see this thread for more information.


Join in the boycott by NOT visiting CNET or anything under CNET networks. This boycott is against CNET for firing out beloved Jeff who was probably the center of Gamespot itself who wrote and hosted pretty much most of the content on gamespot. Truthfully review games. Which he got fired for. Seems like CNET likes being like IGN in being BIASED and UNTRUTHFULL.

I'm so close to cancelling my subscription to Gamespot for this.

~ blog was c&p-ed from OmegaNemesis28 blog.

pop quiz!

study hard... oh wait... too bad. quizalicious just click "take this quiz" and get ready to fail. msi276 inspired this blog, thanks dude.

If you don't want to take it, because of religious reasons or parental controls I understand, you can just chill out here and help me wait for DMC4 next year.

Blog pour gamah_killah

Ok here is the GS emblem awards vote for gamah_killah emblem!

next here are the 2 sigs gamah_killah made for me. I am using the second one, he is using the first one.

Lastly I will hopefully put up my review today, I didn't have time to finish it last week. It's a game your probably sick of though, but whatever.