@shingui5 @Dannystaples14 ~7% is the average sales tax rate in america. 3% on grocery items and 7% for other items. The xbox one will be about $530 after tax in the US.
What? I can save $20 on DLC if I buy the season pass now? You mean I can get a $100 game for the price of $80? Sign me up! Man, how does Ubisoft make money selling games so cheap?
@blackace @Yatsukiii Silly console gamer. PC gaming is far too complex for a mere child. You have to first install the game, then download the patch that keeps the game from BSODing on you. Then you have to read internet drivel for about an hour to figure out why the patch doesn't work on your system....
I could go on, young one, but suffice it to say that children do not have the intestinal fortitude to game on PC.
granola_goodnes' comments