@VeeArSick @racerxgundam Valve and nintendo would stand to gain if sony did that. Besides being beneficial to us, Sony's policy is lucrative to them since it attracts most core gamers.
@ShutUpFanboys @granola_goodnes Certainly, if they did it right now. They aren't stupid enough to try it now because they already tried it and people flipped. They were losing their core fans by the droves. The anger on the internet seemed to match the sales drop and with that they realized they made a mistake.
See they were stupid enough to try it the first time. They thought they could dress their restrictions up as features and no one would notice. That was stupid.
@racerxgundam Winry was cool. I agree with Lust and Pride being cool.
*rips off shirt and flexes*
But behold! Before you stands the ultimate culmination of the Armstrong legacy. Passed down for generations through the Armstrong family, our secret alchemy techniques have stopped all evil and ANY foolish enough to stand against it!
@racerxgundam @granola_goodnes In the original run, i know they were portrayed as the beaten and trampled upon. The Ishbalans got a raw deal and had terrible things done to them. I thought it was understandable how angry Scar was.
I think Scar got shafted in the beginning chronologically. In the end I was satisfied about the way he went out. He was one of my favorite characters. ;)
granola_goodnes' comments