@Geardudu @grbolivar The biggest myth between non-PC gamers is that PC rigs costs thousands of $, in part is truth, but that's only for enthusiasts. My rig was just $450 INCLUDING a SSD, and that rig is at the same level of a PS4/X1, I can play most games at 1080p 50-60fps.
So in just a couple of years, according to Moore's Law, you can get a PC double the power the PS4/X1, for the same cost (or a bit more), so why get stuck on old tech for 10 years? I can picture them announcing the "next gen" in just 5 years.
The market is not the same as 2006, and now that Steam reached +60m users, PC components prices keep droping each year, consoles are in danger.
And yes, hardware and tech is important even if people don't want to admit it, ask the WiiU.
LOL current PC gamers already have rigs +powerful than this crap, and they really think it will last 10y? In 2 years we'll have 4K 120hz monitors becoming mainstream and this CrapBox can not handle that much power, it will be a heavy paperweigth by then LOL
@blueleon70 He was a selfish jerk and deserves all the hate. What about the fans waiting for the game? what about those producers and programmers that put their trust on him for this project? Everything went down just because of a childish tantrum?
This is a hard industry, he should had felt grateful his game was a success, there are hundreds Indies devs trying to make something good that really deserve that success, so Fish can just f*ck himself and disappear..
grbolivar's comments