1) Sell some thousands Season Passes at $20 each with the promise of hot story driven content. People will love the main game and take the bait hoping for moar awesome quantum-multiverses adventures.
2) Have just 2-3 programmers/designers working on the DLC, those could take months to make something worth.
3) Release a quick DLC to keep people quiet for one year (Clash of the Clouds).
4) Meanwhile invest all that juicy money from the Season Passes on your next game. There are no returns so those pesky people will have to wait.
@hinzkunz Meanwhile they'll invest your $20 (and of thousand others) on their next game/IP, and have only a couple programmers working on Burial at Sea. Nice business model if you ask me (for them of course).
@Legend002 Ep 1 and Ep 2 will release through all of 2014, maybe many months away from each other, after that give another waiting year as usually with GOTYs and you'll have your GOTY by the end of 2015 or even 2016.
@jmeyer2039 SquareEnix spent so much on Tomb Raider that even 4MM is still not profitable, the game will be profitable after the 5MM mark. Even the CEO resigned a while back.
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