@tiringpillow: ha...I'm impressed someone dug up my comment. I'm good - I'll just be satisfied with the self-smugness of being right. This is good news for everyone. In the words of Miyamoto: A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad.
It's super important for a new IP to take it's time.
I remember having so many of these pique my interest in their E3 reveals...amazing how quickly they fade into nothingness. I totally forgot about most of these.
@solidsnake7882: You're right. Progression system isn't broken - it's just outright bad and the most hated progression system in all of gaming history. And it's still not fixed.
The microtransactions are gone for now but what you are left with currently is still a grindy as f*** progression system that still totally sucks ... if the grind is reduced by a factor of 10, then I might actually be interested in this thing.
The star card system is probably too hard to fundamentally overhaul, but I don't see why they can't just increase crafting part and credit rewards by a factor of 10 right now - do that and everyone will be good to go. That'd redeem as much PR as possible and let the game just be fun. No one wants to wait they tweak the hell out of this thing by turning it into cosmetic only microtransactions ... the longer they mess around, the more they suck the life of the critical launch period.
greasemonkey42's comments