But remember guys. Because Sony is doing this, it's a wonderful charity that the game is early access. SOE will never take everyones money and leave the game unfinished for a long time.
@nurnberg ^ complete truth. But remember folks, Sony made it, so it's automatically better than completely different shooters like Titanfall. Sad ponies.
@ristactionjakso They won't remaster FF7 because they would literally have to remake the entire game. It can't be "remastered". They would have to put in an all new game world similar to crisis core, completely make new textures and models, remaster the audio, and that's ignoring that Square Enix is incapable of doing anything whatsoever that doesn't suck. It's practically a miracle they didn't ruin this one.
I like how the only cloister that gave a trophy was Besaid, literally the easiest one in the game. They should have put a trophy for each, or each major boss, or stfu'd. All in all, I'm happy with this product - I can now enjoy FFX again because PS2 FFX looks like shit on my tv.
Grenadehh's comments