@G4mBi7 @GregoryBastards @normanislost Though I rate 13 a 6 out of 10, the story was actually good and the combat did work. The problem is the poor manner in which the story was told, and the combat does not entertain until your second time through,
@Lpedraja2002 The only experience I NEVER want to repeat again is the chocobo race, the lightning dodging, and the butterfly catching. Compared to that anything in omega dungeon is a joke. And I've done all of those multiple times. I nay broke a 60 inch tv because of the lightning bolts once and I wasn't even the one playing, it was my roommate and he did it over 200 consecutive times without getting the sigil.
@FLEEBS The game was easily over 500 hours if you took everyone all the way around the sphere grid, did all the monster arena, dark aeons, arena bosses, blitzball, and final weapons, and got all the aeons.
What bothers me is that they said they remade the models. They only redid the 7 party members and Seymour, everything else is the original. Also the remastered soundtrack is disheartening at times.
@PeejayYeh @tempertress @endouken I miss the old website period. The new profile features - or utter lack thereof - are pointless. Stacks, enough said. I would like my old straight up alphabetical list of my games back for one.
Virtual reality what is this 1985? First 3D now VR? Stop trying to bring back fads that no one gives a shit about - VR has no application whatsoever until literally every game made is first person perspective.
Anyone on here pretending "I bought PS+ because it's a better value than XBL" if they own both consoles is full of shit because anyone who owns a 360 already has XBL Gold in the first place - you don't have a choice. So don't act like you weighed them against each other and opted not to get gold.
If you have a 360 and don't have Gold, I suggest you get rid of it.
Grenadehh's comments