I like this idea- it's particularly interesting to people who travel or have multiple homes; if you have a PS3 at one place and a PS4 at another, you can use either to earn XP and unlocks. I think all cross-gen games should implement systems like this. Base everything around what the gamertag/psnID has earned.
Anyone flipping out over this has obviously never been in the military. In the Canadian Forces, we have a program called SHARP (sexual harassment and racism policy) that we are taught over a few days with extremely boring powerpoint presentations and paper scenarios. This training is hard to engage with because most of it seems like common sense, and it's in the middle of basic when sleep is a commodity you'd trade pretty much anything for. If the navy wants to pilot a system in which the American equivalent of SHARP is taught in a way that gets soldiers on their feet, keeps them mentally/physically engaged and actually educates students on conducting themselves in a manner that isn't racist, homophobic or misogynist, I see no reason at all to be complaining about it.
@DarthLod Easy there dude, it's a pilot program replacing a lecture that I assure you was likely a snooze inducing powerpoint presentation. Big brother isn't out to brainwash you into respecting the boundaries of your coworkers.
@slavagen He did- the way he explained Duke Nukem Forever:
"Well even though I did the press junket, hyping the game as my personal passion project, it was actually THOSE GUYS that did it! There they are! Over there! Lets get 'em!"
As a fan of the series, I preordered the PS4 version (along with Watch Dogs... Ubisoft is going to be quite happy on launch day) , but I'm a bit skeptical about how invested I'll be in the narrative this time out. The other games always had me looking forward to seeing how the events of the animus would influence the modern day battle between the Assassins and the Templars and I was really looking forward to getting to control Desmond in some full on, modern day Assassin action. Now that doesn't seem like it'll happen and I'm not sure if the idea of assuming the role of a person using the Animus for recreation is going to provide the same narrative tailwind (see what I did there?). I think if they wanted to root the game in history more firmly and forget about the modern narrative (and its unsettling cliffhanger from 3), they should drop the animus entirely and just say "AC takes place in the past now, we can keep making them forever, don't worry about modern day, we dropped the ball and we're not going to bother trying to pick it up"
@kalipekona @miser_cz @grey_fox1984 not happening- I'm military and bringing a console and a headset to a base is no problem. A tower, key board, mouse (and reliable internet that many PC games require) are not in my deck of cards. For the record though, I'd be fine with 30 FPS. Killzone 3 was incredible in 3D (an LG passive set) and it was running on a PS3 at 30. That being said, i find it hard to believe that if a PS3 can run Killzone 3 at a solid 30fps in 3D, a PS4 wouldn't be able to give Killzone Shadow Fall a decent frame rate.
All I really want for the Occlus Rift, is a firm, official announcement, from either Sony or Microsoft (preferrably both), that the next gen consoles will support it, in 1080p, stereo 3d goodnesss... I'll use my birthday and christmas present on that (for the announcement! Then I'll buy the headset myself if it turns out to be true!)
@epicgameresearc The Vita screen is amazing dude- If anything I think the games would 't look as nice if they are stretched out to a big screen. The games are tuned to the resolution of Vita's display and it looks really nice.
@Kelleyb4947 Episode 2 left a dangling plot thread that needs to be resolved. It's like a great TV show that got cancelled 8 episodes into a 10 episode season. The story will never be the greatest ever told in a video game (which many people claim it is) until that thread is resolved (even if that resolution is abstract and Kubrick-ian like the ending of Half Life 2 proper was; if they were going to start the whole "episodes" thing, they should've finished it).
...hate me if you must, but on some level, you know you agree!
I'm on board for these guys simply because I think a passionate developer is all a remake really needs to succeed. The worst thing for this project would be if it's shovel'd off to a cheap studio by konami for a quick cash in. You need people to be in charge of it who will be embarrassed and ashamed if the game doesn't do the original justice.
grey_fox1984's comments