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grndyfn19 Blog

UTIII Finally Out!!!

I know this came out a few days ago, but I haven't gotten a chance to post a blog yet. But I had reserved this game and got it the day it came out. First off, this is the coolest box art I have ever seen (for the Collector's Edition). There's a clear sleeve that covers a black tin box, and inside is 2 disks (1 is the game, the other is bonus content), an instruction manual, and an art book that's hardcover. Although my computer is a little outdated, it can still run UTIII pretty well on decent settings. I try to keep it at 1280x1020, but sometimes the performance gets slowed down because of it (I have a Dell XPS 400 from 2 years ago running Windows XP, and all I ever added to it was an ATI Radeon 2600 HD PRO video card which is pretty good). Other than this though, this is the best Unreal game since the original Unreal Tournament. The graphics are gorgeous, gameplay is highly addictive (even though there aren't a lot of people online yet), and the level design is really good. There is even an Unreal Editor and the bonus disk has tutorials for it. I will hopefully be posting a review of it soon. Get this game, though, especially if you have a good computer.


After listening to the podcast "We Talk Games" where they talk about their current obsessions, I decided to download what they were obsessed with. These two things were MUGEN and StepMania. MUGEN is basically the coolest fighting engine/game EVER!! You can download, make, and play as hundreds of characters from any series or show anywhere! Some are even new characters or fakes, such as Super Saiyan Goku 7 or 8 lol. I only got to play a little bit, though, and haven't downloaded any characters yet. Does anyone know how to make it fullscreen, while still looking good and not pixelated?

The other game I downloaded was StepMania, which is like DDR on the computer. You can put ANY song on it, whether you download it or make a beat for it. That's what's really cool about this game. All your favorite songs can go on it, AND you can even use a dance pad. With a PS2 to USB wire for any PS2 controller, you can even use a dance pad. It works perfectly and it's amazing.

Lastly, Unreal Tournament III comes out tomorrow!!!!!! I can't wait. I already reserved it (the Collector's Edition), and the bonuses from GameStop are also cool. You get Unreal Anthology with it for free, as well as an exclusive character code. This is going to be one of the best games of the year without a doubt. I just hate how it's so underrated.

X-Play Mario Special

I just watched the 1 hour long Super Mario Special on X-Play. I loved the show, but I disagree with a few things. First of all, Super Mario Sunshine is great! I can't believe they bashed it like that, saying it was a disappointment. Secondly. they didn't talk about Super Mario RPG at all! They didn't even include the Paper Mario games in the Top 5. I know they said just the main series, but those are even better than some in their top 5. Lastly, they saved Super Mario Galaxy for the last 2 MINUTES! They hardly said anything about it, and I learned a lot more about it from GameSpot and IGN.

How much is Final Fantasy VII worth?

I remember I bought Final Fantasy VII (along with most other FF games for the PS) a few years ago from GameaStop for about $15 used (and in really good condition). I now look on eBay and most are being auctioned off for $50 or more. Is this game really worth that much now? Is it hard to find? I'm just wondering because it was only 2 or 3 years ago when a lot of people could get it for a good price. I never even played that much of it, either lol.

If I Had To Get A New Console...

If I had to pick between the Wii, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and Windows Vista (Yes, I consider Vista a new system since its the next-generation of gaming for the PC), my decision would be hard. I'd definitely want Windows Vista the most, and I probably am getting it, too. But besides that, I wouldn't be able to decide right away. The Wii has all the exclusive Nintendo games that I love over all other games (Super Mario Galaxy, Super Paper Mario, Twilight Princess, Link's Crossbow Training, Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, and many, many more), as well as emulated games for the Virtual Console (even though I could play it on a PC for free), online play, backwards compatability with GameCube, and the motion style of playing games. It has limited HD options, however, and the graphics look like the GameCube and not "next-gen". It is the cheapest of the 3, though, and is a good candidate.

The PlayStation 3, on the other hand, is the most powerful system of the three (and the most expensive). Sony's systems have always been my favorite when it comes to "modern" consoles. The PS1, PS2, and PSP are all amazing and prefer them over all their competitors in terms of power and capabilities. The PS3 is no different. The graphics are AMAZING, with HD gaming looking even better. Online play is FREE, it has connection capabilities with the PSP, backwards compatability with PS1 and PS2, and PlayStation Network (with HOME included, as well as arcade games and PS1 games to purchase). There is also a web browser. The only thing holding me back from this is the steep price and the fact that it doesn't have too many exclusive games yet. I know that will change, though, with amazing franchises coming out real soon (Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patritots, Final Fantasy series, Drake's Fortune, God of War III) or are already out (Ninja Gaiden Sigma, R&C Toos of Destruction, Warhawk, Resistance: Fall of Man). These are my second favorite types of games, only behind Nintendo.

Finally, the Xbox 360. This is the American Gamer's console. There are so many exclusive titles for the 360, and it has the best online service in the world. It may have a subscription cost, but it's worth it. There are achivements, the Xbox Live Arcade, the Marketplace, and the most competitive Online play. They even have games from one of my favorite developers, Rare (Kameo, Perfect Dark Zero, Viva Pinata). A million more games are coming out as well (Mass Effect, Gears of War 2, Banjo Kazooie 3, etc.). The graphics are ALMOST as good as the PS3, but still a little behind. It's still GORGEOUS though. The Xbox 360 also can play Xbox games (with patches). This console is amazing.

So all in all, I would probably get the consoles in this order if I could: Windows Vista, Nintendo Wii, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360. They're all amazing, but that's the order. What do you think?

Top 50 Games Of All Time

In my opinion, they are as follows:

1) The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (N64)

2) Unreal Tournament (PC)

3) Donkey Kong 64 (N64)

4) Sonic The Hedgehog (GEN)

5) Paper Mario (N64)

6) Porky Pig's Haunted Holiday (SNES)

7) Super Mario Sunshine (GC)

8) Wario Land 3 (GBC)

9) Banjo Tooie (N64)

10) Banjo Kazooie (N64)

11) NHL 99 (N64)

12) South Park (N64)

13) Killer Instinct (SNES)

14) The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker (GC)

15) The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask (N64)

16) Pokemon Gold (GBC)

17) Tomb Raider (PS)

18) The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap (GBA)

19) The Legend of Zelda: A Link To The Past/Four Swords (GBA)

20) Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door (GC)

21) James 'Buster' Douglas Knockout Boxing (GEN)

22) Pokemon Blue (GB)

23) Star Wars: Rogue Squadron (N64)

24) Bust-A-Groove (PS)

25) Mortal Kombat: Deception (GC)

26) Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks (PS2)

27) Mortal Kombat (GEN)

28) Streets of Rage (GEN)

29) Devil's Dice (PS)

30) Roller Coaster Tycoon (PC)

31) Lion King (SNES)

32) Jurassic Park (GEN)

33) Toy Story (SNES)

34) Toy Story 2 (PC)

35) Grid Runner (PS)

36) Super Mario World (SNES)

37) Road Runner: Death Valley Ralley (SNES)

38) Super Mario 64 (N64)

39) The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages (GBC)

40) The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons (GBC)

41) Mortal Kombat: Trilogy (PS)

42) Tony Hawk's American Wasteland Collector's Edition (PS2)

43) Tony Hawk's Underground 2: Remix (PSP)

44) Final Fantasy I&II: Dawn of Souls (GBA)

45) The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (GC)

46) Call of Duty 2 (PC)

47) F-Zero GX (GC)

48) Super Smash Bros. (N64)

49) Super Smash Bros. Melee (GC)

50) Unreal Tournament 2004 (PC)

And there, it's done!! That took a lonnggggg time, but tell me what you think lol. :)


I have already posted this in the Halo PC forums somewhere, but I have a huge issue. Everytime I try to connect online for multiplayer, a symbol appears on the bottom right of my screen eventually that indicates a bad connection. Once this appears, I am unable to move or shoot but I can still look around. Then the symbol disappers. This happens about 4 times before a message pops up saying "The game has closed down." Because of this problem, I have NEVER been able to play Halo online and that's the main reason I bought it for the PC. So if anyone can help me out, please tell me. I am dying to play this game online!

Games I Want For The Holiday Season

I can't wait until the holidays! I already reserved UTIII: Collector's Edition for the PC, as stated in my previous blog post. I also plan on getting The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass for the DS, as I own EVERY other Zelda game that ever came out (besides the CD-i stuff lol). I hope this one will be really fun, and have the same vibe as Windwaker.

Another game I'm probably getting is Tony Hawk's Proving Ground for the PS2. Once again, I own EVERY other Tony Hawk game that ever came out, except for the Gameboy ones and Nintendo DS ones. I also don't have Downhill Jam, but I don't have a Wii (or a PS3/Xbox 360 for the next-gen versions of this and Project 8). It's on the PS2, but I don't know if I'm going to get it.

Those are the two games I mostly want, but there are still others. I might be getting Gears of War for the PC since Epic is one of my favorite game designers. It has way more content than it did on the 360, so if I have the chance, I'm definitely getting this.

As a casual D&D player, I hardly get to play D&D sessions anymore. It the greatest game on earth, and NO VIDEO GAME can recreate it because you can do and create ANYTHING in it, not just what game developer's put in front of you. Especially with 4th edition coming out soon, there will be graphical content FINALLY! That will come out in the middle of 2008, though. So in the meantime, I still wouldn't mind playing Dungeons & Dragons: Tactics for the PSP. I know it's nothing near the extent of things you can do in actualy D&D, but it's supposedly the closest thing to it (and it has visuals). I want to try this game out if I'm able to. I don't care it got average reviews, because that doesn't bother me. I'll probably love this game if I get it.

Another game is Ultimate Mortal Kombat for the DS. Mortal Kombat is probably my second or third-favorite series of video games, and this was an excellent game but now it has Wi-Fi AND Puzzle Kombat. I can't wait to see how this turns out. My Wi-Fi hasn't been working recently, though, so I might but the WiFi USB Connector thiny. The only games I have for Wi-Fi right now are Mario Kart DS and Diddy Kong Racing DS. I really want to play these games online, and it's really frustrating!

One more game I would have to get is actually a subscription. I downloaded the game Nexus: Kingdom of the Winds which is (I believe) the first true MMORPG, or modern MMORPG. It's a trial version with limited features: You have to stop playing at level 40 or something and you can't leave the beginning city at all. I want to get a subscription, but I've never gotten one before because this is the first MMORPG I've ever played (besides the one week I played WOW on a private server lol) and I don't know how often I will be playing it. It's already really fun, but I don't want to waste money on something I won't have a lot of time fore. So I don't know yet. If any of you have it, please tell me if it's worth the subscription.

Finally, these last two things aren't games. First off, believe it or not but I have NEVER played the PS2 online. I don't know if a lot of the servers are still up or not, but I want to get a wireless online adapter anyway. I've always wanted to play the Tony Hawk games online like I have at my friend's houses, as well as other games I own that are online compatable, such as Mortal Kombat: Armageddon. I have an Xbox, but I don't have Xbox Live. I think it's stupid that you have to pay a monthly fee for it, and all the online-compatable game I have for it are probably outdated and nobody plays them anymore. On the other hand, online on PS2 is FREE! That's why I love it, and that's why I love the PS3 and prefer it over the 360 (if I had a choice between the two).

The other thing I REALLY, REALLY want is Windows Vista, more preferrably the Ultimate package version. I have Windows XP right now, and (as a PC gamer) I am ready to upgrade. I just upgraded my video card to an HD Radeon 2600, which is good enough to run new PC games and perfect for DX10. I desperately want this for UTIII, as well as future PC games I purchase. Windows Vista also has the Games For Windows online service which I want to try out. If I get Windows Vista, then I am definitely getting Halo 2 for the PC, which is Vista specific. I have Halo 2 for the Xbox, but only because I won it in a raffle (lol). I don't even have Xbox Live, so I want to be able to play it online, along with a map editor.

That's basically it! I can't wait until December, the best month of the year. My birthday AND Hannukah in the same month. :)

Recently Bought Games and Emulated Games

Besides Grabbed by the Ghoulies, I recently bought NBA Inside Drive 2002 for the Xbox, which actually looks pretty terrible lol. It was only $.99 though, and I wanted an exclusive Xbox basketball game since I love basketball. I'll have a review for it up as soon as I start playing it. Before that, I had purchased a used copy of Jade Empire: Limited Edition for the Xbox. I returned it the day after, though, because I realized the PC version had a lot more content and better graphics. I love the PC better, too, so I would rather have that version. I didn't get that version yet, though, but I probably will in the near future. Lastly, I reserved a copy of Unreal Tournament III: Collector's Edition for the PC. I can't wait until it comes out, only a little more than a week left! That's all I bought recently, but I also just downloaded the Sega Saturn emulator SSF. It took a while to get working, but it finally worked and I downloaded Fire Pro Wrestling S: 6 Men Scramble for it. That game is amazing, even though it is in Japanese. I definately going to download more Saturn games, so can you guys suggest some games for me? I don't know ANYTHING about the system. THANKS!

My Other Reviews

I just want to let you guys know that I have reviews for Luigi's Mansion (GC), Alien Arena 2007 (PC), and Videocart 1 (Fairchild Channel F) out there, so check them out. As I said before I'll try to post many more reviews, for all the games I have or used to have.