@Damazig I think while DS is shallow in the story department (the story is told in the background and environment not through words) I do think it is the best game to grace the RPG in many boring cliche decades. I guess it could be considered an action game above all else if u want. But I think this game looks like crap. Dragons Dogma so far is the best action/rpg i ever played
@DefconRave yeah as far as turn based games go. This is a huge freaking deal. And im anxious to hear from past players.
If this game isnt buggy and plays just as well as the other titles, not only will this be my top 3 GOTY, but also the developer (if you think about it) will be one of the very few rare developers to bring back a title and actually make it better than the 10-20 year old counterpart as well as one of the few small time developers that didnt release a buggy as hell game
if this is anything like the previous AoW titles then this is reviewer did a bad job reviewing this game. The last AoW game is like 10 years old and its in my top 5 best PC games ever made....still.
While I understand fans and old school PC gamers will recommend this game and praise it, I feel Gamespot turned off any chance of giving this new monotone generation of gamers a chance to play a game that focuses on gaming mechanics/options over scripted events. This series is a gaming gem. This is neither a poorly funded one trick ponie indie nor a highly funded title released by greedy publishers. This is a game that sits in the middle. A well made game that was made for the players not the investors.
The outcome of companies going public has lead to some seriously horrible greedy companies. Once it goes public it becomes less about consumers and more about shareholders. And the people who run the company often have little experience in the industry. Yes EAs ultimate goal is just to sell units. Wish people listened to the customer reviews about all the bugs in the game. A company will shift priorities and start listening to consumers if a product isnt flying off the shelves like it should.
Like instead of buying BF4 in the first month, wait a few more months then get it.
@Zombie97 @hystavito @sundfeld sometimes its safest to date the super hot bartender girl who everyone hits on. They are so over much of the BS and dont care about the attention anymore
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