I want to get eaither a ps3 or 360. My problem is I dont want to mess with the red ring of death. My parents also dont let me plar M rated games so No way ill get resistence for the ps3. I could probably convinvce them to let me play halo and gears 2 though.
over 1 million people playing combat arms free pc shooter will run even on crap pc's enjoy
I want to get eaither a ps3 or 360. My problem is I dont want to mess with the red ring of death. My parents also dont let me plar M rated games so No way ill get resistence for the ps3. I could probably convinvce them to let me play halo and gears 2 though.
^ long time pc gamer/keyboard and mouse user and i think ps3 controller is fine for fps, mouse is alittle more accurate, but controller is still great.
it's like a mini keyboard and mouse that fits in ur hand, i usually use controller on my pc these days.
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