McShea, with his comments centering around developers holding back on dlc content before a game ships.
-"to have the gall to condemn developers" - Who said that?
McShea is condemning developers whom produce the dlc I was talking about.
-"return it" - Funny.
Yes, its funny because it is impossible to trade in games nowadays right? Given gamestop does not exist - said no one ever.
-"saying that all movie remakes are recycled content" - But they ARE. Regardless of whether or not they're "good", they are recycled content.
They are not recycled content because they are physically new entities. If it is literally the same footage from before it is, but a new creation such as a movie remake or map remake is not recycled content.
"The issue with just sitting by and letting this all happen is, IF things continue on the current micro-transaction path, the consumers will eventually stop buying but by the time these companies realize WHY they're loosing money the industry will be full of sub-par content, prices will rise due to higher risk and less innovative product will be developed. All detrimental to the industry."
If content degrades in quality and consumers stop purchasing it do you HONESTLY believe people will have no idea why? Sillyness. The market will respond to quality as it does currently. If people hate a companies dlc they will not buy it and the company will stop making it. You say yourself if people find value in it they will buy it. There is no issue here accept for your unfounded claims that the future of the game industry will suffer from this based on no proof or data.
I believe this is just another case of McShea mad at people for enjoying things and he has taken it upon himself to become an activist against artists producing dlc. He does not like some dlc. dlc is not the problem, mcshea is the problem. If i dont like horror movies i do not claim they are bad for the movie industry. horror movies are not the problem, i am the problem.
@SlowMotionKarma How dare any consumer ever think they are entitled enough to say they deserve dlc if it was developed before the game comes out. THEY DID NOT FUND THE DEVELOPMENT OF THAT GAME. It is like saying to a movie director, that they are ENTITLED to see the other movie he was filming in july because he saw one of his movies that was also filmed in july. When any developer creates a piece of art, game or dlc, you can judge it and buy it for yourself. But to have the gall to condemn developers because they create art that you want and feel entitled to is childish. They do not force you to buy dlc, and if you felt the game was 'unfinished' or did not give you the whole experience then return it, give it a bad review, or stop buying that developers games.
And also, on the case of remade maps (which i happen to love in the Halo games), condemning them would be similar to condemning a movie remake and saying that all movie remakes are recycled content.
Then finally the idea of condemning dlc because the story of it is interesting and ties in the narrative threads of the main game is so laughable it is not even worth the time of day to point out how stupid that idea is.
The rub of DLC is exactly how all art should be treated. Did you enjoy that particular piece of dlc you played? good then support that developer, and vice versa. If you thought it was boring then it was boring, but to condemn the practise of it being developed at certain times, especially as a supposedly 'professional' games writer, is immature.
So essentially dark souls dlc is ok because you like it. This article holds some of the saddest bias journalist double speak i have ever seen. It feels as if McShea works for from software now. If they did not make that dlc purely to make money they would have made it free.
@King9999 Because the default term should be 'Studio' not indie studio. With this logic, Bungie is an indie dev. IMO Indie dev has a connotation with making indie games.
There is no such thing as an 'indie studio'. There are only studios that make indie games (games without publisher distribution). Using this journalists definition of indie studio, Bungie is an indie studio.
@kvan33 The decision to make games period is purely financial. Hutchinson is right. Time of release shouldn't matter, only quality. AC3 has been in development for 3+ years.
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