@bonzaibillie @Poodlejumper @spKeeper20 Blasphemy! His noodley greatness was sauced for your sins! How dare you insult the great flying spaghetti monster. You just don't understand the higher power of his noodley greatness.
@OmegaRecon @gungrave45 Although you believe its not what Christianity is 'suppossed to be about' unfortunately it IS what it is about. Your more moral and evolved view of Christianity is no more legitimate under the bibles laws then comstocks, but obviously under the judgement of secular morality i would say yours is far more moral. look up the no true scotsman fallacy.
@WTA2k5 I agree somewhat, but what is being criticized is not a 'misrepresentation' of Christianity but something Christians do every day. All Christians constantly sin according to their bible and constantly have to ask for divine forgiveness. Now of course Comstock is a more fundamentalist example of this but the criticism holds true. Comstock's 'own narrative' or intentions are to honestly save people from hell and to convert them. He believes what he does is good and commits sins because he can ask for gods forgiveness.
@OmegaRecon @gungrave45 As long as you confess your sins and ask Christ for forgiveness, you are fully forgiven according to Christianity. Sure if you turn away from his path you are in sin again, but then you just ask for forgiveness again. If you are sincere in asking him then according to the bible you get to go to heaven. This in my view is totally immoral and is the notion that Infinite has criticized very well.
@DeadAimArrow @gungrave45 @FlyingAce1016 Yes, I agree, and this is exactly what is being criticized. Christians contradict their doctrines every day and ask for forgiveness. The game is criticizing the idea of being allowed to be forgiven from your sins. I believe that if you sin you are responsable for your actions and no matter what no god or jesus can forgive you for them, the only people you are responsible to are the people here on earth.
@jadaski1 @gungrave45 This is the no true scotsman fallacy. Using divine forgiveness as an excuse to ignore your past and continue to commit evil acts is unfortunately exactly how you can practice Christianity. Unconditional forgiveness is the thing that is being criticized, and i am glad you reject this idea. But it is true that rejecting the idea of divine forgiveness is contradictory to the bible.
@FlyingAce1016 @gungrave45 No, baptism is supposed to be symbolic of unconditional forgiveness, which is extremely important to the Christian belief. The idea that if you accept Jesus, he will forgive you for your sins is a core tenant of Christianity, and it is what Bioshock Infinite is criticizing. Baptism is simply symbolic of this idea in the game, however baptism is more literal to the born again christians.
@FlyingAce1016 @gungrave45 @corsucant I am referring to this guy above claiming that games are not allowed to depict his religion in any way because they may misrepresent it. This is really a false veil to hid the fact that he does not want his beliefs to be criticized. I am not referring to your point in any way, I was referring to the Christian dude above.
@corsucant What a cook. To find out what is untrue only look to those who seek to end criticism from their 'truths'. This commenter is a great example of how gods unconditional forgiveness can twist someone into thinking crazed theories about how the world works.
gungrave45's comments