-Shantae and the Pirate's Curse, Coffee Talk, Sine Mora, Destroy all humans = One helluva line-up there Microsoft! F-minus, as usual with your typical free trash Gold games.
One thing that's always stood out w/soccer video game reviews to me is that most of the gameplay footage is shot from the telecast (side-scroll) view. I understand that's the way it's shown on tv in real life but do gamers really prefer that view to play the sport as opposed to an up-down view that most NHL, Madden, NBA games are played where it's more realistic to your perspective as what the player sees?
"a wacky Bill Murray movie about the military called Stripes"...REALLY?! classic comedy movie from the 80's and it's being mentioned like it's undiscovered.
The game looks great but I'm surprised the Wolfenstein games have simply ditched multiplayer altogether. Return to Castle Wolfenstein had some fantastic class-based multiplayer. It's a real shame that they've pretty much discarded what was at the time it's strong suit. I take there's not much replay value to this game since it's strictly a scripted campaign?
@TrueLink: I wasn't aware that there was VR support for Resident Evil 7, DiRT Rally, and Elite: Dangerous. That's impressive and I would hope it makes the experience far better. But when I see dime-a-dozen VR "games" released on Steam that appear to be nothing more than a similar version of Nintendo Wii's Sports Resort (each VR game being ONE of those sports to try), that's where I'm coming from. They seem to be a quick one-shot deal with little to no depth or replay value beyond what it first shows you when you start the game.
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