@esqueejy: Yet, in the various dark corners of the web, I find nobody moving to disavow this appropriation. Just a bunch of self-obsessed edgelord shitposters getting a laugh out of the hatred they've stirred all because mommy didn't hug them.
@esqueejy: Yeah, and they think Pepe among other things was Kek's way of speaking to them. The reality of Kek makes them more disturbing and probably more dangerous. Totally effed up. But people will do anything to rationalize their own damage.
@esqueejy: Yeah, I've seen it used firsthand by a neo Nazi calling for genocide of minorities who claimed that an ancient Egyptian god called Kek manifested itself through the internet to manipulate the re-establishment of an Aryan master race (sounds crazy because these ppl are crazy). This guy was also at Charlottesville and was proud of the violence.
Honestly, spreading a joke or meme or bit of satyr that uses any part of Nazism as its punchline doesn't make you clever or "woke." It just makes you a bunch of douchebags. And yeah, like it or not, it normalizes something that represents extinction to some people.
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