It drives me crazy that the girl in that picture for "Prey" is drawing that bowstring so incorrectly.
This is if you believe Snyder's version of the scenario... More likely they just felt Snyder's style of film making was not a fit.
Lol, it gets pulled immediately after they see all the hate for the Kraven trailer hit the web? 😂😂
Looks like absolute garbage. Maybe if they didn't show fundamental changes to the character right in the trailer, they could actually get some fan support.
@Akriel_Boulve: Yes! How convenient for the AAA media studios, isn't it? In all of about 5 years, they bait and switched the entire planet.
@santinegrete: Now that streaming services are getting to be like cable, but more expensive... yeah, I've gone back to that.
HalfOfMe07's comments