Is it just me, or is this guy constantly whining about how things would've been better if he was in them? Mediocrity is mediocrity, Dave. And you've got it in heaps.
Yeah, the world could learn a thing or two from all y'all. You must have temperaments of steel, getting through life without being able to see your choades over your belly rolls.
Support Bautista all you want. But he, not Gunn, will be responsible for destroying this corner of the MCU. His role in this is self-absorbed and childish, and it will end his career. You do your job, or you don't.
@MrGeezer: You're absolutely right. I run a hotel, and if one of my employees made the statements that Gunn made, I would have absolutely no choice but to fire them, regardless of how old the statements were. To think that a different outcome would occur at a children's programming studio is asinine of people. And Bautista... if a coworker started vocally supporting the guy associated with pedophilia, that coworker would become completely toxic to the industry as well.
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