halo_killer345's forum posts
I've owned a SNES, 64, GC, Wii, GBA SP, DS and a PS2 for a week. My nephew had a PS2 but the component cables ( is that the red, yellow, white cable ) broke so they gave it to us. We found the cables at a market for $40. My mum had a garage sale and sold the PS2 for $20 without us knowing, I do feel good for the person who brought it. My favorite is a tie between the SNES and the 64.
My username is meant to be ironic and not to be taken literally. Some of you amaze me. I come on here and tell my opinion, but because it is different then yours, you tell me that I'm a fakeboy and full of crap.
NO the problem is that I am not a blind nintendo fanboy like most of you. I see things for what they are and not "yay nintenrdo zalex roxors nubmerz 1"
The Wii library is pathetic plain and simple. Mario Galaxy, Zelda, Metroid Prime 3, WarioWorld, Paper Mario, and maybe 1 or 2 others are the only good games on Wii. Maybe if you can pull the Nintendo slogan off your foreheads you can see it for what it is.
No more hero's is only good if you have been starved for games. Plot sucks, Guy jerks off with lightsabers and kills thugs, Stupid side jobs to make money, rinse repeat. Get over it.
I don't don't mind game droughts. I have other things to do besides playing games.
I only own a wii
Too high - Warioware, doubt it would be as good MP3 or Zelda: TP
Too low - Zelda: TP, MP3. Zelda deserves at least a 9.3 and so does MP3.
[QUOTE="M8ingSeezun"]Sales, sales, sales, sales, sales, sales.......:lol:ErkiduCows and lemmings would be playing sales.....if they could. Wise up.
The more people who buy mario kart and smash bros the more people we can vs online.
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