the reason why i never got into halo 3 is because i loathe controllers for my fps-ers. truth be told, i barely tolerate them in 3rd person shooters. hell, in any game where shooter mechanics come into play i have trouble with.
again, i hate controllers in fps-ers. i see more and more people on pc forums asking if *such-and-such* game supports controllers. i think we should demand console shooters support keyboards and mice!
yes i am handicapped if i must play with a controller. yes i am retarded. i am unable to adapt to controller play. however i do and can perform surgery with mouse and keyboard. if im using a mouse i can shoot you in the face five times before you hit the floor. if im using a controller, i shoot the wall first, because of my handicap i end up missing the headshot and then i shoot your leg because i tried to hit your chest but you were moving and i am bad at tracking with a controller. next thing you know, your buddy just shot me in the face because i was busy trying to kill you when you should have already been dead. and you would have been dead if they allowed me to play with the proper tools.
so now we have a case of discrimination on our hands all because you wont allow me to use the proper tools to do my killing. why must i conform to YOUR ways of doing things. i thought it was about freedom and...something else, i forget.
seriously, all i am really curious to know is who thinks mouse/keyboard> gamepad for their shooters? that is all.
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