@wexorian: Also, I bet they will only release the original skyrim with mods and call it "remastered". It's a shame copyright laws don't work for modders...
@ixilion: Not to criticize, but if they're going with this franchise the same way they did Quantum Break, then I'll have to say no thanks. It's nice to see another competitor to CoD and BF on PC but not capped at 720p 30fps lol
@chippiez: Except that most of the "plethora" of games are actually ports from the xbox one that do not fully utilize the API for PC. Unless my thoughts are right and MS developed and optimized it for everything other than PC, it should run games better on PC
@TheZeroPercent: Really? It seems they are failing miserably then, and just like they failed with surface someone else will pick the wrecks of the failure and use it to make success
@bacontophat45: I remember hearing that FFXI's servers for the PS2 were still online till recently, SE decided to shut it down. I wonder if they would be willing to support the PS4 as much
@rabih55555: for YOU, maybe. But the amount of steam refunds at that time that lead to it's withdrawal from steam, says otherwise for a lot of OTHER people
handofkain's comments