Ugh, I have school for three more weeks, then finals...
haorichard1994's forum posts
Look. Honestly, you make these topics at least once every month. No one here has an answer. Why? Well, I can't see why this is such a big deal. If it bothers you that much, go out and buy a new Wii. Stop making these topics. They have no significance here as I am sure no one else cares whether or not the writing on the bottom of their Wii is sharper or not. You said you have OCD before, and I'm sorry about that, but if it bothers you that much, then buy a new Wii. Get over it - no one here has a solution to fix your problem. Just please stop making these topics every single freaking month - and get a new Wii if you are really miffed about this.
I don't think so... I Googled it, and I haven't found anything stating problems playing your Wii in an Alphard. Anyways, if your friend says its bad, you could buy one of these if you really want to play your Wii in the car:
Same here. I absolutely loved it, and I'd recommend it, but some people just don't like it. Why don't you go check out some gameplay footage, see how it suits you.
"In this week's Famitsu, Atlus has revealed a "spiritual successor" to the Trauma Center series that expands the game's scope beyond surgery. Hospital, created by the same development team as the hit surgery games, stars six different medical practitioners, each with a different specialization. Only one of the six is a Trauma Center-style surgeon -- Prisoner CR-SO1, a convict whose sentence was reduced in exchange for his surgical expertise.
The rest of the group include a diagnostician, a paramedic, a cosmetic surgeon (who performs non-life-or-death procedures like hip replacements), an endoscopic surgeon, and a forensic examiner. Each character features a different style of play.
According to 1up's translation of the article, producer Daisuke Kanada told Famitsu that the game "completes one of the goals for a medical series that we've been striving for before, and it's also a wholly new title, not a sequel to Trauma Center. It's not just a surgery game, but an entire hospital in game form."
It's fake. If you look closely, you can see some of the pictures are "real", in the sense that they are photos with Miis in them, or in the case of skydiving, just "real".
Right, we're twiddling our thumbs and waiting for that proof there... half of us, no wait, every single one of us here highly doubt that you have The Conduit this early. Come on, why don't you make us eat our words? Where's that picture?
The Wii Speak is regioni-free, but I'm not sure about the download ticket. It might not work for your region's Wii Shop Channel, but again, I'm not sure.
There's a USB port in the back of your Wii, but it's really not useful. You can put pictures on your Wii using the Photo Channel, and I've heard that you can play music on it by putting your MP3s on a SD Card and then going the the Photo Channel. So you can pretty much do everything you wanted to above.
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