What I like about the idea of a "casual" gamer is the fact that most of them play a variety of games. The stereotypical image of a "hardcore" gamer is filled with first person shooter, blood and gore, violence - M rating capable stuff. It seems that people are always demanding these kind of games for the Wii, saying that it isn't "hardcore". I could hardly mind this - I'd rather play a variety of games, covering a wide aspect of activities, than constantly shooting enemies. Sure, the others have better graphics, the others have more violent, more adrenaline building games, but the Wii is built for a wide variety of simple, easy to play games. Nintendo doesn't need to satisfy the "hardcore" gamer; the Wii already has an attractive, wide variety of non-violent games with a smattering of blood and gore that many Wii users are asking for, but it really isn't needed. Sure, the Wii could use some of these games, but is it necessary? No. The majority of Wii gamers either have their Wiis for the non-violent games, or have another system on hand. The Wii doesn't need to satisfy the "hardcore" gamer, it already has a large enough market as it is.
haorichard1994's forum posts
No, you can watch movie DVDs on the Wii; it just hasn't been released in an update yet. The Wii is capable of playing movies on DVD, it just isn't available through an official process.
That's cool with me. Bye. But seriously, why are you telling us this? Do you want to be convinced that not all of the Wii games have bad controls? Or are you just complaining for no apparent reason? Because frankly, I know a number of people, along with myself who don't care that you don't like the Wii's controls, and are leaving the Wii behind. That's fine. I don't care. Go ahead. Go play your X-Box 360 or PS3; I don't care what you do. So don't tell us this.
I actually liked Sonic Unleashed's soundtrack, and Sonic and the Black Knight had one that wasn't bad at all. Sonic and the Secret Rings was much less, however, it was still okay. I have all 3 on my iPod.
I don't think that was really right. I, for one, liked it, and can name a number of other people who do, too. You never know whether a person may enjoy a game or not simply basing the fact that a game is good on your opinion. In short, you feel if you like a game, it is good, and if you don't like a game, it is bad. We're not all robots. We have opinions. It appears you haven't passed the pre-operational stage in Piaget's developmental theory - so, are you of 2 to 7 years old? Come on. It's really not that hard to understand that other people have their own opinions - he may have liked the game, and he may have hated De Blob. I saw no point in De Blob. Sure, now you may think I'm an idiot, but hey - that's my own opinion, I haven't picked on yours, so you don't pick on mine.
Either way, I don't mind. I think it should be optional; if a player wants it, then they should be able to turn it on, and if a player doesn't want it, well, turn it off, like in an options menu.
Sonic and the Black Knight - rent it first. Some people liked it, some people hated it. I for one, thought it was rather good, but of course, you should try it first. Due to the mixed reviews, I suggest renting it first, then purchasing it if you like it.
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